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  1. 默认会开启snapshot加速结构,首次生成过程会非常慢,并且(若节点性能较差)可能导致节点无法实时跟上最新区块高度。建议临时升级服务器配置
  2. 节点可能遭遇 “BAD BLOCK” 问题,并导致区块停止同步。此问题由以太坊 Geth v1.10.8 引入,并已有以太坊用户报告,详见这里 https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/23531 及这里 https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/23546
    (2)若对此问题敏感,可以在节点启动时加入参数 “ --snapshot=false" 以禁用快照加速结构,直到此问题完全解决,再尝试开启。
  3. 新版本配置项有变更,DiscoveryURLs 已删除,取而代之的是两个配置项:EthDiscoveryURLs 和 SnapDiscoveryURLs。若之前有提供 DiscoveryURLs,建议可直接删掉该项。


validateaddress "address"

Return information about the given bitcoin address.

1. address    (string, required) The bitcoin address to validate

  "isvalid" : true|false,       (boolean) If the address is valid or not. If not, this is the only property returned.
  "address" : "address",        (string) The bitcoin address validated
  "scriptPubKey" : "hex",       (string) The hex-encoded scriptPubKey generated by the address
  "isscript" : true|false,      (boolean) If the key is a script
  "iswitness" : true|false,     (boolean) If the address is a witness address
  "witness_version" : version   (numeric, optional) The version number of the witness program
  "witness_program" : "hex"     (string, optional) The hex value of the witness program

> bitcoin-cli validateaddress "1PSSGeFHDnKNxiEyFrD1wcEaHr9hrQDDWc"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "validateaddress", "params": ["1PSSGeFHDnKNxiEyFrD1wcEaHr9hrQDDWc"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'



txhash 是keccak256(signedTransaction).
此 keccak256 函数可用作 Solidity 函数 http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.21/units-and-global-variables.html


signedTransaction 需要的参数是

  1. nonce
  2. gas price
  3. gas limit
  4. to
  5. value in wei
  6. data
  7. ecdsaV
  8. ecdsaR
  9. ecdsaS

值 3 不是直接可用的,但您可以在代码执行的任何时候获取当前剩余的 gas,并从中计算出执行开始后可用的气体量。值 1、7、8 和 9(nonce 和签名值)不能使用solidity,也不能使用汇编代码(可以在solidity 源代码文件中内联编写)。所以很遗憾该问题无法解决。


以太坊索引器通过 ETH 地址获取交易列表


# Indexer for Ethereum to get transaction list by ETH address
# https://github.com/Adamant-im/ETH-transactions-storage
# 2021 ADAMANT Foundation (devs@adamant.im), Francesco Bonanno (mibofra@parrotsec.org),
# Guénolé de Cadoudal (guenoledc@yahoo.fr), Drew Wells (drew.wells00@gmail.com)
# 2020-2021 ADAMANT Foundation (devs@adamant.im): Aleksei Lebedev
# 2017-2020 ADAMANT TECH LABS LP (pr@adamant.im): Artem Brunov, Aleksei Lebedev
# v2.0

from os import environ
from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
import psycopg2
import time
import sys
import logging
#from systemd.journal import JournalHandler

# Get env variables or set to default
dbname = environ.get("DB_NAME")
startBlock = environ.get("START_BLOCK") or "1"
confirmationBlocks = environ.get("CONFIRMATIONS_BLOCK") or "0"
nodeUrl = environ.get("ETH_URL")
pollingPeriod = environ.get("PERIOD") or "20"

if dbname == None:
    print('Add postgre database in env var DB_NAME')

if nodeUrl == None:
    print('Add eth url in env var ETH_URL')

# Connect to Ethereum node
if nodeUrl.startswith("http"):
    web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(nodeUrl))
if nodeUrl.startswith("ws"):
    web3 = Web3(Web3.WebsocketProvider(nodeUrl)) # "ws://publicnode:8546"
if web3 == None:
    web3 = Web3(Web3.IPCProvider(nodeUrl)) # "/home/parity/.local/share/openethereum/jsonrpc.ipc"

web3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)

# Start logger
#logger = logging.getLogger("EthIndexerLog")
logger = logging.getLogger("eth-sync")

# File logger
#lfh = logging.FileHandler("/var/log/ethindexer.log")
lfh = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Systemd logger, if we want to user journalctl logs
# Install systemd-python and 
# decomment "#from systemd.journal import JournalHandler" up
#ljc = JournalHandler()
#formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    logger.info("Trying to connect to "+ dbname)
    conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname)
    conn.autocommit = True
    logger.info("Connected to the database")
    logger.error("Unable to connect to database")

# Delete last block as it may be not imparted in full
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('DELETE FROM public.ethtxs WHERE block = (SELECT Max(block) from public.ethtxs)')

# Wait for the node to be in sync before indexing
logger.info("Waiting Ethereum node to be in sync...")

while web3.eth.syncing != False:
    # Change with the time, in second, do you want to wait
    # before cheking again, default is 5 minutes

logger.info("Ethereum node is synced!")

# Adds all transactions from Ethereum block
def insertion(blockid, tr):
    time = web3.eth.getBlock(blockid)['timestamp']
    for x in range(0, tr):
        trans = web3.eth.getTransactionByBlock(blockid, x)
        # Save also transaction status, should be null if pre byzantium blocks
        status = bool(web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(trans['hash']).status)
        txhash = trans['hash'].hex()
        value = trans['value']
        inputinfo = trans['input']
        # Check if transaction is a contract transfer
        if (value == 0 and not inputinfo.startswith('0xa9059cbb')):
        fr = trans['from']
        to = trans['to']
        gasprice = trans['gasPrice']
        gas = web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(trans['hash'])['gasUsed']
        contract_to = ''
        contract_value = ''
        # Check if transaction is a contract transfer
        if inputinfo.startswith('0xa9059cbb'):
            contract_to = inputinfo[10:-64]
            contract_value = inputinfo[74:]
        # Correct contract transfer transaction represents '0x' + 4 bytes 'a9059cbb' + 32 bytes (64 chars) for contract address and 32 bytes for its value
        # Some buggy txs can break up Indexer, so we'll filter it
        if len(contract_to) > 128:
            logger.info('Skipping ' + str(txhash) + ' tx. Incorrect contract_to length: ' + str(len(contract_to)))
            contract_to = ''
            contract_value = ''
            'INSERT INTO public.ethtxs(time, txfrom, txto, value, gas, gasprice, block, txhash, contract_to, contract_value, status) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
            (time, fr, to, value, gas, gasprice, blockid, txhash, contract_to, contract_value, status))

# Fetch all of new (not in index) Ethereum blocks and add transactions to index
while True:
        conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname)
        conn.autocommit = True
        logger.error("Unable to connect to database")

    cur = conn.cursor()

    cur.execute('SELECT Max(block) from public.ethtxs')
    maxblockindb = cur.fetchone()[0]
    # On first start, we index transactions from a block number you indicate
    if maxblockindb is None:
        maxblockindb = int(startBlock)

    endblock = int(web3.eth.blockNumber) - int(confirmationBlocks)

    logger.info('Current best block in index: ' + str(maxblockindb) + '; in Ethereum chain: ' + str(endblock))

    for block in range(maxblockindb + 1, endblock):
        transactions = web3.eth.getBlockTransactionCount(block)
        if transactions > 0:
            insertion(block, transactions)
            logger.debug('Block ' + str(block) + ' does not contain transactions')



// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.3;

 * @title An Ether or token balance scanner
 * @author Maarten Zuidhoorn
 * @author Luit Hollander
contract BalanceScanner {
  struct Result {
    bool success;
    bytes data;

   * @notice Get the Ether balance for all addresses specified
   * @param addresses The addresses to get the Ether balance for
   * @return results The Ether balance for all addresses in the same order as specified
  function etherBalances(address[] calldata addresses) external view returns (Result[] memory results) {
    results = new Result[](addresses.length);

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
      results[i] = Result(true, abi.encode(addresses[i].balance));

   * @notice Get the ERC-20 token balance of `token` for all addresses specified
   * @dev This does not check if the `token` address specified is actually an ERC-20 token
   * @param addresses The addresses to get the token balance for
   * @param token The address of the ERC-20 token contract
   * @return results The token balance for all addresses in the same order as specified
  function tokenBalances(address[] calldata addresses, address token) external view returns (Result[] memory results) {
    results = new Result[](addresses.length);

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
      bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature("balanceOf(address)", addresses[i]);
      results[i] = staticCall(token, data, 20000);

   * @notice Get the ERC-20 token balance from multiple contracts for a single owner
   * @param owner The address of the token owner
   * @param contracts The addresses of the ERC-20 token contracts
   * @return results The token balances in the same order as the addresses specified
  function tokensBalance(address owner, address[] calldata contracts) external view returns (Result[] memory results) {
    results = new Result[](contracts.length);

    bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature("balanceOf(address)", owner);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < contracts.length; i++) {
      results[i] = staticCall(contracts[i], data, 20000);

   * @notice Call multiple contracts with the provided arbitrary data
   * @param contracts The contracts to call
   * @param data The data to call the contracts with
   * @return results The raw result of the contract calls
  function call(address[] calldata contracts, bytes[] calldata data) external view returns (Result[] memory results) {
    return call(contracts, data, gasleft());

   * @notice Call multiple contracts with the provided arbitrary data
   * @param contracts The contracts to call
   * @param data The data to call the contracts with
   * @param gas The amount of gas to call the contracts with
   * @return results The raw result of the contract calls
  function call(
    address[] calldata contracts,
    bytes[] calldata data,
    uint256 gas
  ) public view returns (Result[] memory results) {
    require(contracts.length == data.length, "Length must be equal");
    results = new Result[](contracts.length);

    for (uint256 i = 0; i < contracts.length; i++) {
      results[i] = staticCall(contracts[i], data[i], gas);

   * @notice Static call a contract with the provided data
   * @param target The address of the contract to call
   * @param data The data to call the contract with
   * @param gas The amount of gas to forward to the call
   * @return result The result of the contract call
  function staticCall(
    address target,
    bytes memory data,
    uint256 gas
  ) private view returns (Result memory) {
    uint256 size = codeSize(target);

    if (size > 0) {
      (bool success, bytes memory result) = target.staticcall{ gas: gas }(data);
      if (success) {
        return Result(success, result);

    return Result(false, "");

   * @notice Get code size of address
   * @param _address The address to get code size from
   * @return size Unsigned 256-bits integer
  function codeSize(address _address) private view returns (uint256 size) {
    // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
    assembly {
      size := extcodesize(_address)
