您正在查看: EOS-新手问答 分类下的文章

provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations


keosd运行出现 Unable to connect to keosd, if keosd is running please kill the process and try again.

ps -ef | grep keosd
kill -9 pid
keosd --http-server-address=

database dirty flag set (likely due to unclean shutdown): replay required

nodeos --replay-blockchain --hard-replay-blockchain --delete-all-blocks

http service failed to start: Address already in use

因为nodeos 进程没有退出,当再次运行时,就会提示

http service failed to start: Address already in use

例如使用 Ctrl + Z 后台挂起 nodeos,nodeos 进程没有退出
查看nodeos 进程

ps -ef | grep nodeos //查找nodeos pid


dawn 4.2 RPC push_transaction error 3090003 unsatisfied_authorization

在升级EOS到dawn 4.2 之后之前运行好好的Dapp报error 3090003


const EOS_CONFIG = {
  contractName: "dapp.token", // Contract name
  contractReceiver: "eosio", // User executing the contract (should be paired with private key)
  clientConfig: {
    keyProvider: '5KeqsXty9Sa8GfJgNfkckYxKKGcAWE4AWmUHiw6ifDcnaa2i', // Your private key
    httpEndpoint: '' // EOS http endpoint


{"code":500,"message":"Internal Service Error","error":{"code":3090003,"name":"unsatisfied_authorization","what":"provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations","details":[{"message":"transaction declares authority '{\"actor\":\"eosio\",\"permission\":\"active\"}', but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms","file":"authorization_manager.cpp","line_number":405,"method":"check_authorization"}]}}

chain_id可以通过cleos get info获取到

如果获取没有的话,先确认下本地Eos的版本,或者在build完,没有在build目录下执行 make install


const EOS_CONFIG = {
  contractName: "dapp.token", // Contract name
  contractReceiver: "eosio", // User executing the contract (should be paired with private key)
  clientConfig: {
    keyProvider: '5KeqsXty9Sa8GfJgNfkckYxKKGcAWE4AWmUHiw6ifDcnaa2i', // Your private key
    httpEndpoint: '', // EOS http endpoint
    chain_id: "706a7ddd808de9fc2b8879904f3b392256c83104c1d544b38302cc07d9fca477"