
区块的传递是整个optimism rollup系统中较为重要的概念,在这一章节,我们将从介绍optimism中多种sync方式的原理,来揭开整个系统里区块的传递过程。



  • Unsafe L2 Block (不安全的 L2 区块):

    • 这是指 L1 链上最高的 L2 区块,其 L1 起源是规范 L1 链的 可能 扩展(如 op-node 所知)。这意味着,尽管该区块链接到 L1 链,但其完整性和正确性尚未得到充分验证。
  • Safe L2 Block (安全的 L2 区块):

    • 这是指 L1 链上最高的 L2 区块,其 epoch 的序列窗口在规范的 L1 链中是完整的(如 op-node 所知)。这意味着该区块的所有前提条件都已在 L1 链上得到验证,因此它被认为是安全的。
  • Finalized L2 Block (定稿的 L2 区块):

    • 这是指已知完全源自定稿 L1 区块数据的 L2 区块。这意味着该区块不仅安全,而且已根据 L1 链的数据完全确认,不会再发生更改。


  1. op-node p2p gossip 同步

    • op-node 通过 p2p gossip 协议接收最新的不安全区块,由 sequencer 推送的。
  2. op-node 基于libp2p的请求-响应的逆向区块头同步

    • 通过此同步方式,op-node 可以填补不安全区块的任何缺口。
  3. 执行层(EL,又名 engine sync)同步

    • 在 op-node 中有两个标志,允许来自 gossip 的不安全区块触发引擎中向这些区块的长范围同步。相关的标志是 --l2.engine-sync--l2.skip-sync-start-check(用于处理非常旧的安全区块)。然后,如果为此设置了 EL,它可以执行任何同步,例如 snap-sync(需要 op-geth p2p 连接等,并且需要从某些节点进行同步)。
  4. op-node RPC 同步

    • 这是一种基于可信 RPC 方法的同步,当 L1 出现问题时,这种同步方式相对简单。

op-node p2p gossip 同步


当产生新的区块后,sequencer通过基于libp2p的P2P网络的pub/sub(广播/订阅)模块,向’新unsafe区块‘ topic 发出广播。所有订阅了此topic的节点都会直接或间接的收到这一广播消息。详情可以查看

op-node 基于libp2p的请求-响应的逆向区块头同步



执行层(EL,又名 engine sync)同步





op-node/flags/flags.go 中定义并解释了这两个flag的作用

  • L2EngineSyncEnabled Flag (l2.engine-sync):

    • 该标志用于启用或禁用执行引擎的 P2P 同步功能。当设置为 true 时,它允许执行引擎通过 P2P 网络与其他节点同步区块数据。它的默认值是 false,意味着在默认情况下,该 P2P 同步功能是禁用的。
  • SkipSyncStartCheck Flag (l2.skip-sync-start-check):

    • 该标志用于在确定同步起始点时,跳过对不安全 L2 区块的 L1 起源一致性的合理性检查。当设置为 true 时,它会推迟 L1 起源的验证。如果你正在使用 l2.engine-sync,建议启用此标志来跳过初始的一致性检查。它的默认值是 false,意味着在默认情况下,该合理性检查是启用的。
    L2EngineSyncEnabled = &cli.BoolFlag{
        Name:     "l2.engine-sync",
        Usage:    "Enables or disables execution engine P2P sync",
        EnvVars:  prefixEnvVars("L2_ENGINE_SYNC_ENABLED"),
        Required: false,
        Value:    false,
    SkipSyncStartCheck = &cli.BoolFlag{
        Name: "l2.skip-sync-start-check",
        Usage: "Skip sanity check of consistency of L1 origins of the unsafe L2 blocks when determining the sync-starting point. " +
            "This defers the L1-origin verification, and is recommended to use in when utilizing l2.engine-sync",
        EnvVars:  prefixEnvVars("L2_SKIP_SYNC_START_CHECK"),
        Required: false,
        Value:    false,


L2EngineSyncEnabled标志用于在op-node接收到新的unsafe的payload(区块)后,发送给op-geth进一步验证时,触发op-geth的p2p之间sync,在sync期间所有的unsafe区块都会被视为通过验证,并进行下一个unsafe的流程。op-geth内部的p2p sync比较适用于长范围的unsafe区块的获取。其实在op-geth内部,不管L2EngineSyncEnabled标志有没有启用,在遇到parent区块不存在的时候,都会开启sync去同步数据。

首先是 op-node/rollup/derive/engine_queue.go


   // checkNewPayloadStatus checks returned status of engine_newPayloadV1 request for next unsafe payload.
   // It returns true if the status is acceptable.
   func (eq *EngineQueue) checkNewPayloadStatus(status eth.ExecutePayloadStatus) bool {
      if eq.syncCfg.EngineSync {
         // Allow SYNCING and ACCEPTED if engine P2P sync is enabled
         return status == eth.ExecutionValid || status == eth.ExecutionSyncing || status == eth.ExecutionAccepted
      return status == eth.ExecutionValid

   // checkForkchoiceUpdatedStatus checks returned status of engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1 request for next unsafe payload.
   // It returns true if the status is acceptable.
   func (eq *EngineQueue) checkForkchoiceUpdatedStatus(status eth.ExecutePayloadStatus) bool {
      if eq.syncCfg.EngineSync {
         // Allow SYNCING if engine P2P sync is enabled
         return status == eth.ExecutionValid || status == eth.ExecutionSyncing
      return status == eth.ExecutionValid

让我们把视角转到op-geth的 eth/catalyst/api.go当中,当parent区块缺失后,触发sync,并且返回SYNCING Status

   func (api *ConsensusAPI) newPayload(params engine.ExecutableData) (engine.PayloadStatusV1, error) {
      // If the parent is missing, we - in theory - could trigger a sync, but that
      // would also entail a reorg. That is problematic if multiple sibling blocks
      // are being fed to us, and even more so, if some semi-distant uncle shortens
      // our live chain. As such, payload execution will not permit reorgs and thus
      // will not trigger a sync cycle. That is fine though, if we get a fork choice
      // update after legit payload executions.
      parent := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)
      if parent == nil {
         return api.delayPayloadImport(block)
   func (api *ConsensusAPI) delayPayloadImport(block *types.Block) (engine.PayloadStatusV1, error) {
      if err := api.eth.Downloader().BeaconExtend(api.eth.SyncMode(), block.Header()); err == nil {
         log.Debug("Payload accepted for sync extension", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash())
         return engine.PayloadStatusV1{Status: engine.SYNCING}, nil





   func FindL2Heads(ctx context.Context, cfg *rollup.Config, l1 L1Chain, l2 L2Chain, lgr log.Logger, syncCfg *Config) (result *FindHeadsResult, err error) {
      for {


         if syncCfg.SkipSyncStartCheck && highestL2WithCanonicalL1Origin.Hash == n.Hash {
            lgr.Info("Found highest L2 block with canonical L1 origin. Skip further sanity check and jump to the safe head")
            n = result.Safe
         // Pull L2 parent for next iteration
         parent, err := l2.L2BlockRefByHash(ctx, n.ParentHash)
         if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch L2 block by hash %v: %w", n.ParentHash, err)

         // Check the L1 origin relation
         if parent.L1Origin != n.L1Origin {
            // sanity check that the L1 origin block number is coherent
            if parent.L1Origin.Number+1 != n.L1Origin.Number {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("l2 parent %s of %s has L1 origin %s that is not before %s", parent, n, parent.L1Origin, n.L1Origin)
            // sanity check that the later sequence number is 0, if it changed between the L2 blocks
            if n.SequenceNumber != 0 {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("l2 block %s has parent %s with different L1 origin %s, but non-zero sequence number %d", n, parent, parent.L1Origin, n.SequenceNumber)
            // if the L1 origin is known to be canonical, then the parent must be too
            if l1Block.Hash == n.L1Origin.Hash && l1Block.ParentHash != parent.L1Origin.Hash {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("parent L2 block %s has origin %s but expected %s", parent, parent.L1Origin, l1Block.ParentHash)
         } else {
            if parent.SequenceNumber+1 != n.SequenceNumber {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("sequence number inconsistency %d <> %d between l2 blocks %s and %s", parent.SequenceNumber, n.SequenceNumber, parent, n)

         n = parent

         // once we found the block at seq nr 0 that is more than a full seq window behind the common chain post-reorg, then use the parent block as safe head.
         if ready {
            result.Safe = n
            return result, nil

op-node RPC 同步

这种同步场景处于: 当你有信任的l2 rpc节点的时候,我们可以直接和rpc通信,发送较短范围的同步请求,和2类似。如果设置,在反向链同步中会优先使用RPC而不是P2P同步。




   func (n *OpNode) initRPCSync(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) error {
      rpcSyncClient, rpcCfg, err := cfg.L2Sync.Setup(ctx, n.log, &cfg.Rollup)
      if err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup L2 execution-engine RPC client for backup sync: %w", err)
      if rpcSyncClient == nil { // if no RPC client is configured to sync from, then don't add the RPC sync client
         return nil
      syncClient, err := sources.NewSyncClient(n.OnUnsafeL2Payload, rpcSyncClient, n.log, n.metrics.L2SourceCache, rpcCfg)
      if err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("failed to create sync client: %w", err)
      n.rpcSync = syncClient
      return nil

启动node,如果rpcSync非空,开启rpcSync eventloop

   func (n *OpNode) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
      n.log.Info("Starting execution engine driver")

      // start driving engine: sync blocks by deriving them from L1 and driving them into the engine
      if err := n.l2Driver.Start(); err != nil {
         n.log.Error("Could not start a rollup node", "err", err)
         return err

      // If the backup unsafe sync client is enabled, start its event loop
      if n.rpcSync != nil {
         if err := n.rpcSync.Start(); err != nil {
            n.log.Error("Could not start the backup sync client", "err", err)
            return err
         n.log.Info("Started L2-RPC sync service")

      return nil



   // eventLoop is the main event loop for the sync client.
   func (s *SyncClient) eventLoop() {
      defer s.wg.Done()
      s.log.Info("Starting sync client event loop")

      backoffStrategy := &retry.ExponentialStrategy{
         Min:       1000 * time.Millisecond,
         Max:       20_000 * time.Millisecond,
         MaxJitter: 250 * time.Millisecond,

      for {
         select {
         case <-s.resCtx.Done():
            s.log.Debug("Shutting down RPC sync worker")
         case reqNum := <-s.requests:
            _, err := retry.Do(s.resCtx, 5, backoffStrategy, func() (interface{}, error) {
               // Limit the maximum time for fetching payloads
               ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.resCtx, time.Second*10)
               defer cancel()
               // We are only fetching one block at a time here.
               return nil, s.fetchUnsafeBlockFromRpc(ctx, reqNum)
            if err != nil {
               if err == s.resCtx.Err() {
               s.log.Error("failed syncing L2 block via RPC", "err", err, "num", reqNum)
               // Reschedule at end of queue
               select {
               case s.requests <- reqNum:
                  // drop syncing job if we are too busy with sync jobs already.


   func (s *SyncClient) RequestL2Range(ctx context.Context, start, end eth.L2BlockRef) error {
      // Drain previous requests now that we have new information
      for len(s.requests) > 0 {
         select { // in case requests is being read at the same time, don't block on draining it.
         case <-s.requests:

      endNum := end.Number
      if end == (eth.L2BlockRef{}) {
         n, err := s.rollupCfg.TargetBlockNumber(uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
         if err != nil {
            return err
         if n <= start.Number {
            return nil
         endNum = n

      // TODO(CLI-3635): optimize the by-range fetching with the Engine API payloads-by-range method.

      s.log.Info("Scheduling to fetch trailing missing payloads from backup RPC", "start", start, "end", endNum, "size", endNum-start.Number-1)

      for i := start.Number + 1; i < endNum; i++ {
         select {
         case s.requests <- i:
         case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()
      return nil


   func (n *OpNode) RequestL2Range(ctx context.Context, start, end eth.L2BlockRef) error {
      if n.rpcSync != nil {
         return n.rpcSync.RequestL2Range(ctx, start, end)
      if n.p2pNode != nil && n.p2pNode.AltSyncEnabled() {
         if unixTimeStale(start.Time, 12*time.Hour) {
            n.log.Debug("ignoring request to sync L2 range, timestamp is too old for p2p", "start", start, "end", end, "start_time", start.Time)
            return nil
         return n.p2pNode.RequestL2Range(ctx, start, end)
      n.log.Debug("ignoring request to sync L2 range, no sync method available", "start", start, "end", end)
      return nil


