

struct handshake_message {
      uint16_t                   network_version = 0; ///< incremental value above a computed base
      chain_id_type              chain_id; ///< used to identify chain
      fc::sha256                 node_id; ///< used to identify peers and prevent self-connect
      chain::public_key_type     key; ///< authentication key; may be a producer or peer key, or empty
      tstamp                     time;
      fc::sha256                 token; ///< digest of time to prove we own the private key of the key above
      chain::signature_type      sig; ///< signature for the digest
      string                     p2p_address;
      uint32_t                   last_irreversible_block_num = 0;
      block_id_type              last_irreversible_block_id;
      uint32_t                   head_num = 0;
      block_id_type              head_id;
      string                     os;
      string                     agent;
      int16_t                    generation;




   void connection::send_handshake( ) {
      handshake_initializer::populate(last_handshake_sent); //填充消息内容
      last_handshake_sent.generation = ++sent_handshake_count;
      fc_dlog(logger, "Sending handshake generation ${g} to ${ep}",
              ("g",last_handshake_sent.generation)("ep", peer_name()));
      enqueue(last_handshake_sent);  //构建完成握手包之后,放入队列中


//大小 348个字节  连接之后发送的报文
0040         5c 01 00 00 00 b6 04 ac a3 76 f2 06 b8 fc   2Ñ\....¶.¬£vò.¸ü
0050   25 a6 ed 44 db dc 66 54 7c 36 c6 c3 3e 3a 11 9f   %¦íDÛÜfT|6ÆÃ>:..
0060   fb ea ef 94 36 42 f0 e9 06 da b2 ea 2d 82 ce 71   ûêï.6Bðé.Ú²ê-.Îq
0070   45 c4 74 df 2f 3f 5f d9 df 11 af 8c 70 62 06 7a   EÄtß/?_Ùß.¯.pb.z
0080   5d de 3e 6b 87 10 22 18 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ]Þ>k..".........
0090   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00a0   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 aa 8b b8 81 00   ...........ª.¸..
00b0   77 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   w...............
00c0   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00d0   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00e0   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
00f0   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0100   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0110   00 00 00 00 00 2d 6d 6f 6f 6e 69 6e 77 61 74 65   .....-mooninwate
0120   72 64 65 4d 61 63 42 6f 6f 6b 2d 50 72 6f 2e 6c   rdeMacBook-Pro.l
0130   6f 63 61 6c 3a 39 38 37 36 20 2d 20 64 61 62 32   ocal:9876 - dab2
0140   65 61 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ea2.............
0150   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0160   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 40   ...............@
0170   51 47 47 7a b2 f5 f5 1c da 42 7b 63 81 91 c6 6d   QGGz²õõ.ÚB{c..Æm
0180   2c 59 aa 39 2d 5c 2c 98 07 6c b0 03 6f 73 78 10   ,Yª9-\,..l°.osx.
0190   22 45 4f 53 20 54 65 73 74 20 41 67 65 6e 74 22   "EOS Test Agent"
01a0   01 00  



//重载后的函数, 处理handshake_message消息
void net_plugin_impl::handle_message( connection_ptr c, const handshake_message &msg) {
      peer_ilog(c, "received handshake_message");
      if (!is_valid(msg)) {
         peer_elog( c, "bad handshake message");
         c->enqueue( go_away_message( fatal_other ));
      controller& cc = chain_plug->chain();
      uint32_t lib_num = cc.last_irreversible_block_num( );
      uint32_t peer_lib = msg.last_irreversible_block_num;
      if (msg.generation == 1) {
         if( c->peer_addr.empty() || c->last_handshake_recv.node_id == fc::sha256()) {
            fc_dlog(logger, "checking for duplicate" );
            //遍历所有连接的节点,c代表当前连接中的节点 保证同一个p2p节点只存在一个连接
         if( msg.chain_id != chain_id) {
            elog( "Peer on a different chain. Closing connection");
            c->enqueue( go_away_message(go_away_reason::wrong_chain) );
         if(  c->node_id != msg.node_id) {
            c->node_id = msg.node_id;
      c->last_handshake_recv = msg;
      sync_master->recv_handshake(c,msg); //根据链的状态进行同步管理


void sync_manager::recv_handshake (connection_ptr c, const handshake_message &msg) {
      controller& cc = chain_plug->chain();
      uint32_t lib_num = cc.last_irreversible_block_num( );
      uint32_t peer_lib = msg.last_irreversible_block_num;
      c->syncing = false;

      // sync need checks; (lib == last irreversible block)
      // 0. my head block id == peer head id means we are all caugnt up block wise
      // 1. my head block num < peer lib - start sync locally
      // 2. my lib > peer head num - send an last_irr_catch_up notice if not the first generation
      // 3  my head block num <= peer head block num - update sync state and send a catchup request
      // 4  my head block num > peer block num ssend a notice catchup if this is not the first generation

      uint32_t head = cc.fork_db_head_block_num( );
      block_id_type head_id = cc.fork_db_head_block_id();
      if (head_id == msg.head_id) {
         fc_dlog(logger, "sync check state 0");
         // notify peer of our pending transactions
         notice_message note;
         note.known_blocks.mode = none;
         note.known_trx.mode = catch_up;
         note.known_trx.pending = my_impl->local_txns.size();
         c->enqueue( note );
      if (head < peer_lib) {
         fc_dlog(logger, "sync check state 1");
         // wait for receipt of a notice message before initiating sync
         if (c->protocol_version < proto_explicit_sync) {
            start_sync( c, peer_lib);
      if (lib_num > msg.head_num ) {
         fc_dlog(logger, "sync check state 2");
         if (msg.generation > 1 || c->protocol_version > proto_base) {
            notice_message note;
            note.known_trx.pending = lib_num;
            note.known_trx.mode = last_irr_catch_up;
            note.known_blocks.mode = last_irr_catch_up;
            note.known_blocks.pending = head;
            c->enqueue( note );
         c->syncing = true;

      if (head <= msg.head_num ) {
         fc_dlog(logger, "sync check state 3");
         verify_catchup (c, msg.head_num, msg.head_id);
      else {
         fc_dlog(logger, "sync check state 4");
         if (msg.generation > 1 ||  c->protocol_version > proto_base) {
            notice_message note;
            note.known_trx.mode = none;
            note.known_blocks.mode = catch_up;
            note.known_blocks.pending = head;
            c->enqueue( note );
         c->syncing = true;
      elog ("sync check failed to resolve status");

