您正在查看: Layer2 分类下的文章



区块的传递是整个optimism rollup系统中较为重要的概念,在这一章节,我们将从介绍optimism中多种sync方式的原理,来揭开整个系统里区块的传递过程。



  • Unsafe L2 Block (不安全的 L2 区块):

    • 这是指 L1 链上最高的 L2 区块,其 L1 起源是规范 L1 链的 可能 扩展(如 op-node 所知)。这意味着,尽管该区块链接到 L1 链,但其完整性和正确性尚未得到充分验证。
  • Safe L2 Block (安全的 L2 区块):

    • 这是指 L1 链上最高的 L2 区块,其 epoch 的序列窗口在规范的 L1 链中是完整的(如 op-node 所知)。这意味着该区块的所有前提条件都已在 L1 链上得到验证,因此它被认为是安全的。
  • Finalized L2 Block (定稿的 L2 区块):

    • 这是指已知完全源自定稿 L1 区块数据的 L2 区块。这意味着该区块不仅安全,而且已根据 L1 链的数据完全确认,不会再发生更改。


  1. op-node p2p gossip 同步

    • op-node 通过 p2p gossip 协议接收最新的不安全区块,由 sequencer 推送的。
  2. op-node 基于libp2p的请求-响应的逆向区块头同步

    • 通过此同步方式,op-node 可以填补不安全区块的任何缺口。
  3. 执行层(EL,又名 engine sync)同步

    • 在 op-node 中有两个标志,允许来自 gossip 的不安全区块触发引擎中向这些区块的长范围同步。相关的标志是 --l2.engine-sync--l2.skip-sync-start-check(用于处理非常旧的安全区块)。然后,如果为此设置了 EL,它可以执行任何同步,例如 snap-sync(需要 op-geth p2p 连接等,并且需要从某些节点进行同步)。
  4. op-node RPC 同步

    • 这是一种基于可信 RPC 方法的同步,当 L1 出现问题时,这种同步方式相对简单。

op-node p2p gossip 同步


当产生新的区块后,sequencer通过基于libp2p的P2P网络的pub/sub(广播/订阅)模块,向’新unsafe区块‘ topic 发出广播。所有订阅了此topic的节点都会直接或间接的收到这一广播消息。详情可以查看

op-node 基于libp2p的请求-响应的逆向区块头同步



执行层(EL,又名 engine sync)同步





op-node/flags/flags.go 中定义并解释了这两个flag的作用

  • L2EngineSyncEnabled Flag (l2.engine-sync):

    • 该标志用于启用或禁用执行引擎的 P2P 同步功能。当设置为 true 时,它允许执行引擎通过 P2P 网络与其他节点同步区块数据。它的默认值是 false,意味着在默认情况下,该 P2P 同步功能是禁用的。
  • SkipSyncStartCheck Flag (l2.skip-sync-start-check):

    • 该标志用于在确定同步起始点时,跳过对不安全 L2 区块的 L1 起源一致性的合理性检查。当设置为 true 时,它会推迟 L1 起源的验证。如果你正在使用 l2.engine-sync,建议启用此标志来跳过初始的一致性检查。它的默认值是 false,意味着在默认情况下,该合理性检查是启用的。
    L2EngineSyncEnabled = &cli.BoolFlag{
        Name:     "l2.engine-sync",
        Usage:    "Enables or disables execution engine P2P sync",
        EnvVars:  prefixEnvVars("L2_ENGINE_SYNC_ENABLED"),
        Required: false,
        Value:    false,
    SkipSyncStartCheck = &cli.BoolFlag{
        Name: "l2.skip-sync-start-check",
        Usage: "Skip sanity check of consistency of L1 origins of the unsafe L2 blocks when determining the sync-starting point. " +
            "This defers the L1-origin verification, and is recommended to use in when utilizing l2.engine-sync",
        EnvVars:  prefixEnvVars("L2_SKIP_SYNC_START_CHECK"),
        Required: false,
        Value:    false,


L2EngineSyncEnabled标志用于在op-node接收到新的unsafe的payload(区块)后,发送给op-geth进一步验证时,触发op-geth的p2p之间sync,在sync期间所有的unsafe区块都会被视为通过验证,并进行下一个unsafe的流程。op-geth内部的p2p sync比较适用于长范围的unsafe区块的获取。其实在op-geth内部,不管L2EngineSyncEnabled标志有没有启用,在遇到parent区块不存在的时候,都会开启sync去同步数据。

首先是 op-node/rollup/derive/engine_queue.go


   // checkNewPayloadStatus checks returned status of engine_newPayloadV1 request for next unsafe payload.
   // It returns true if the status is acceptable.
   func (eq *EngineQueue) checkNewPayloadStatus(status eth.ExecutePayloadStatus) bool {
      if eq.syncCfg.EngineSync {
         // Allow SYNCING and ACCEPTED if engine P2P sync is enabled
         return status == eth.ExecutionValid || status == eth.ExecutionSyncing || status == eth.ExecutionAccepted
      return status == eth.ExecutionValid

   // checkForkchoiceUpdatedStatus checks returned status of engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1 request for next unsafe payload.
   // It returns true if the status is acceptable.
   func (eq *EngineQueue) checkForkchoiceUpdatedStatus(status eth.ExecutePayloadStatus) bool {
      if eq.syncCfg.EngineSync {
         // Allow SYNCING if engine P2P sync is enabled
         return status == eth.ExecutionValid || status == eth.ExecutionSyncing
      return status == eth.ExecutionValid

让我们把视角转到op-geth的 eth/catalyst/api.go当中,当parent区块缺失后,触发sync,并且返回SYNCING Status

   func (api *ConsensusAPI) newPayload(params engine.ExecutableData) (engine.PayloadStatusV1, error) {
      // If the parent is missing, we - in theory - could trigger a sync, but that
      // would also entail a reorg. That is problematic if multiple sibling blocks
      // are being fed to us, and even more so, if some semi-distant uncle shortens
      // our live chain. As such, payload execution will not permit reorgs and thus
      // will not trigger a sync cycle. That is fine though, if we get a fork choice
      // update after legit payload executions.
      parent := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1)
      if parent == nil {
         return api.delayPayloadImport(block)
   func (api *ConsensusAPI) delayPayloadImport(block *types.Block) (engine.PayloadStatusV1, error) {
      if err := api.eth.Downloader().BeaconExtend(api.eth.SyncMode(), block.Header()); err == nil {
         log.Debug("Payload accepted for sync extension", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash())
         return engine.PayloadStatusV1{Status: engine.SYNCING}, nil





   func FindL2Heads(ctx context.Context, cfg *rollup.Config, l1 L1Chain, l2 L2Chain, lgr log.Logger, syncCfg *Config) (result *FindHeadsResult, err error) {
      for {


         if syncCfg.SkipSyncStartCheck && highestL2WithCanonicalL1Origin.Hash == n.Hash {
            lgr.Info("Found highest L2 block with canonical L1 origin. Skip further sanity check and jump to the safe head")
            n = result.Safe
         // Pull L2 parent for next iteration
         parent, err := l2.L2BlockRefByHash(ctx, n.ParentHash)
         if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch L2 block by hash %v: %w", n.ParentHash, err)

         // Check the L1 origin relation
         if parent.L1Origin != n.L1Origin {
            // sanity check that the L1 origin block number is coherent
            if parent.L1Origin.Number+1 != n.L1Origin.Number {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("l2 parent %s of %s has L1 origin %s that is not before %s", parent, n, parent.L1Origin, n.L1Origin)
            // sanity check that the later sequence number is 0, if it changed between the L2 blocks
            if n.SequenceNumber != 0 {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("l2 block %s has parent %s with different L1 origin %s, but non-zero sequence number %d", n, parent, parent.L1Origin, n.SequenceNumber)
            // if the L1 origin is known to be canonical, then the parent must be too
            if l1Block.Hash == n.L1Origin.Hash && l1Block.ParentHash != parent.L1Origin.Hash {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("parent L2 block %s has origin %s but expected %s", parent, parent.L1Origin, l1Block.ParentHash)
         } else {
            if parent.SequenceNumber+1 != n.SequenceNumber {
               return nil, fmt.Errorf("sequence number inconsistency %d <> %d between l2 blocks %s and %s", parent.SequenceNumber, n.SequenceNumber, parent, n)

         n = parent

         // once we found the block at seq nr 0 that is more than a full seq window behind the common chain post-reorg, then use the parent block as safe head.
         if ready {
            result.Safe = n
            return result, nil

op-node RPC 同步

这种同步场景处于: 当你有信任的l2 rpc节点的时候,我们可以直接和rpc通信,发送较短范围的同步请求,和2类似。如果设置,在反向链同步中会优先使用RPC而不是P2P同步。




   func (n *OpNode) initRPCSync(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) error {
      rpcSyncClient, rpcCfg, err := cfg.L2Sync.Setup(ctx, n.log, &cfg.Rollup)
      if err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup L2 execution-engine RPC client for backup sync: %w", err)
      if rpcSyncClient == nil { // if no RPC client is configured to sync from, then don't add the RPC sync client
         return nil
      syncClient, err := sources.NewSyncClient(n.OnUnsafeL2Payload, rpcSyncClient, n.log, n.metrics.L2SourceCache, rpcCfg)
      if err != nil {
         return fmt.Errorf("failed to create sync client: %w", err)
      n.rpcSync = syncClient
      return nil

启动node,如果rpcSync非空,开启rpcSync eventloop

   func (n *OpNode) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
      n.log.Info("Starting execution engine driver")

      // start driving engine: sync blocks by deriving them from L1 and driving them into the engine
      if err := n.l2Driver.Start(); err != nil {
         n.log.Error("Could not start a rollup node", "err", err)
         return err

      // If the backup unsafe sync client is enabled, start its event loop
      if n.rpcSync != nil {
         if err := n.rpcSync.Start(); err != nil {
            n.log.Error("Could not start the backup sync client", "err", err)
            return err
         n.log.Info("Started L2-RPC sync service")

      return nil



   // eventLoop is the main event loop for the sync client.
   func (s *SyncClient) eventLoop() {
      defer s.wg.Done()
      s.log.Info("Starting sync client event loop")

      backoffStrategy := &retry.ExponentialStrategy{
         Min:       1000 * time.Millisecond,
         Max:       20_000 * time.Millisecond,
         MaxJitter: 250 * time.Millisecond,

      for {
         select {
         case <-s.resCtx.Done():
            s.log.Debug("Shutting down RPC sync worker")
         case reqNum := <-s.requests:
            _, err := retry.Do(s.resCtx, 5, backoffStrategy, func() (interface{}, error) {
               // Limit the maximum time for fetching payloads
               ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(s.resCtx, time.Second*10)
               defer cancel()
               // We are only fetching one block at a time here.
               return nil, s.fetchUnsafeBlockFromRpc(ctx, reqNum)
            if err != nil {
               if err == s.resCtx.Err() {
               s.log.Error("failed syncing L2 block via RPC", "err", err, "num", reqNum)
               // Reschedule at end of queue
               select {
               case s.requests <- reqNum:
                  // drop syncing job if we are too busy with sync jobs already.


   func (s *SyncClient) RequestL2Range(ctx context.Context, start, end eth.L2BlockRef) error {
      // Drain previous requests now that we have new information
      for len(s.requests) > 0 {
         select { // in case requests is being read at the same time, don't block on draining it.
         case <-s.requests:

      endNum := end.Number
      if end == (eth.L2BlockRef{}) {
         n, err := s.rollupCfg.TargetBlockNumber(uint64(time.Now().Unix()))
         if err != nil {
            return err
         if n <= start.Number {
            return nil
         endNum = n

      // TODO(CLI-3635): optimize the by-range fetching with the Engine API payloads-by-range method.

      s.log.Info("Scheduling to fetch trailing missing payloads from backup RPC", "start", start, "end", endNum, "size", endNum-start.Number-1)

      for i := start.Number + 1; i < endNum; i++ {
         select {
         case s.requests <- i:
         case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()
      return nil


   func (n *OpNode) RequestL2Range(ctx context.Context, start, end eth.L2BlockRef) error {
      if n.rpcSync != nil {
         return n.rpcSync.RequestL2Range(ctx, start, end)
      if n.p2pNode != nil && n.p2pNode.AltSyncEnabled() {
         if unixTimeStale(start.Time, 12*time.Hour) {
            n.log.Debug("ignoring request to sync L2 range, timestamp is too old for p2p", "start", start, "end", end, "start_time", start.Time)
            return nil
         return n.p2pNode.RequestL2Range(ctx, start, end)
      n.log.Debug("ignoring request to sync L2 range, no sync method available", "start", start, "end", end)
      return nil




Optimism Sequencer 工作流程

Sequencer 工作流程

Sequencer 在 Layer 2 (L2) 解决方案中起到核心作用,主要负责交易汇总,L1 数据派生,L2 区块生成,L1 batch 数据提交,以及 L1 中 L2 state root 的提议。在本文中,我们将深入探讨 Sequencer 的工作原理和相关代码实现。在这部分我们主要讨论L2区块的产生流程

L2 区块生成

在一个更宏观的层面,sequencer在L2 区块的生成过程中实际上只是创建一个只包含 deposit 的模板块的 payload 。该 payload 随后被发送给 Execution Layer (EL),EL 从 txpool 中提取交易,然后进行 payload 包装以生成实际的区块。


当操作节点(opnode)启动后,Driver 会启动一个 eventloop。在这个 eventloop 中,我们定义了 sequencerCh 通道和 planSequencerAction 方法。

sequencerTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
var sequencerCh <-chan time.Time
planSequencerAction := func() {
    delay := s.sequencer.PlanNextSequencerAction()
    sequencerCh = sequencerTimer.C
    if len(sequencerCh) > 0 { // 确保通道在重置前已被清空

planSequencerAction 方法中,我们重新设置了通道信号接收计时器的时间。而 PlanNextSequencerAction 方法则用于计算 RunNextSequencerAction 的延迟时间。



Event Loop 的循环结构

在 event loop 的 for 循环中,首先进行了一系列的检查。例如,我们检查是否启用了 sequencer 和 L1 状态是否已准备好,以确定是否可以触发下一个 sequencer 操作。

for {    
    // 主条件:检查 Sequencer 是否启用和 L1 状态是否准备好
    // 在这个 if 语句中,我们检查了几个关键条件来确定是否可以进行 sequencing,包括:
    // - Sequencer 是否启用
    // - Sequencer 是否停止
    // - L1 状态是否准备好
    // - Derivation pipeline 的引擎是否准备好
    if s.driverConfig.SequencerEnabled && !s.driverConfig.SequencerStopped &&
        s.l1State.L1Head() != (eth.L1BlockRef{}) && s.derivation.EngineReady() {

        // 检查安全滞后
        // 在这段代码中,我们监视安全和不安全的 L2 头之间的滞后,以确定是否需要暂停新区块的创建。
        if s.driverConfig.SequencerMaxSafeLag > 0 && s.derivation.SafeL2Head().Number+s.driverConfig.SequencerMaxSafeLag <= s.derivation.UnsafeL2Head().Number {
            if sequencerCh != nil {
                    "Delay creating new block since safe lag exceeds limit",
                    "safe_l2", s.derivation.SafeL2Head(),
                    "unsafe_l2", s.derivation.UnsafeL2Head(),
                sequencerCh = nil
        // 更新 Sequencer 操作
        // 如果 sequencer 正在构建一个新的区块,并且 L1 状态已准备好,我们将更新下一个 sequencer 动作的触发器。
        } else if s.sequencer.BuildingOnto().ID() != s.derivation.UnsafeL2Head().ID() {
    // 默认条件:在所有其他情况下,我们将 sequencerCh 设置为 nil,这意味着没有计划任何新的 sequencer 动作。
    } else {
        sequencerCh = nil


在 event loop 的循环结构中,我们进行了一系列的检查来确定是否可以触发下一个 sequencer 操作。



select {
case <-sequencerCh:
    payload, err := s.sequencer.RunNextSequencerAction(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        s.log.Error("Sequencer critical error", "err", err)
    if s.network != nil && payload != nil {
        // Publishing of unsafe data via p2p is optional.
        // Errors are not severe enough to change/halt sequencing but should be logged and metered.
        if err := s.network.PublishL2Payload(ctx, payload); err != nil {
            s.log.Warn("failed to publish newly created block", "id", payload.ID(), "err", err)
    planSequencerAction() // schedule the next sequencer action to keep the sequencing looping

这部分代码是等待刚才计时器到达设定的时间后,被计时器发出的消息所触发。它首先尝试执行下一个序列化动作。如果这个动作成功了,它会尝试通过网络来发布新创建的负载。无论如何,它最终都会调用 planSequencerAction 函数来计划下一个序列化动作,这样就创建了一个持续的循环来处理序列化动作。


// RunNextSequencerAction starts new block building work, or seals existing work,
// and is best timed by first awaiting the delay returned by PlanNextSequencerAction.
// If a new block is successfully sealed, it will be returned for publishing, nil otherwise.
// Only critical errors are bubbled up, other errors are handled internally.
// Internally starting or sealing of a block may fail with a derivation-like error:
//   - If it is a critical error, the error is bubbled up to the caller.
//   - If it is a reset error, the ResettableEngineControl used to build blocks is requested to reset, and a backoff applies.
//     No attempt is made at completing the block building.
//   - If it is a temporary error, a backoff is applied to reattempt building later.
//   - If it is any other error, a backoff is applied and building is cancelled.
// Upon L1 reorgs that are deep enough to affect the L1 origin selection, a reset-error may occur,
// to direct the engine to follow the new L1 chain before continuing to sequence blocks.
// It is up to the EngineControl implementation to handle conflicting build jobs of the derivation
// process (as verifier) and sequencing process.
// Generally it is expected that the latest call interrupts any ongoing work,
// and the derivation process does not interrupt in the happy case,
// since it can consolidate previously sequenced blocks by comparing sequenced inputs with derived inputs.
// If the derivation pipeline does force a conflicting block, then an ongoing sequencer task might still finish,
// but the derivation can continue to reset until the chain is correct.
// If the engine is currently building safe blocks, then that building is not interrupted, and sequencing is delayed.
func (d *Sequencer) RunNextSequencerAction(ctx context.Context) (*eth.ExecutionPayload, error) {
    if onto, buildingID, safe := d.engine.BuildingPayload(); buildingID != (eth.PayloadID{}) {
        if safe {
            d.log.Warn("avoiding sequencing to not interrupt safe-head changes", "onto", onto, "onto_time", onto.Time)
            // approximates the worst-case time it takes to build a block, to reattempt sequencing after.
            d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(d.config.BlockTime))
            return nil, nil
        payload, err := d.CompleteBuildingBlock(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, derive.ErrCritical) {
                return nil, err // bubble up critical errors.
            } else if errors.Is(err, derive.ErrReset) {
                d.log.Error("sequencer failed to seal new block, requiring derivation reset", "err", err)
                d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(d.config.BlockTime)) // hold off from sequencing for a full block
            } else if errors.Is(err, derive.ErrTemporary) {
                d.log.Error("sequencer failed temporarily to seal new block", "err", err)
                d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second)
                // We don't explicitly cancel block building jobs upon temporary errors: we may still finish the block.
                // Any unfinished block building work eventually times out, and will be cleaned up that way.
            } else {
                d.log.Error("sequencer failed to seal block with unclassified error", "err", err)
                d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second)
            return nil, nil
        } else {
            d.log.Info("sequencer successfully built a new block", "block", payload.ID(), "time", uint64(payload.Timestamp), "txs", len(payload.Transactions))
            return payload, nil
    } else {
        err := d.StartBuildingBlock(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            if errors.Is(err, derive.ErrCritical) {
                return nil, err
            } else if errors.Is(err, derive.ErrReset) {
                d.log.Error("sequencer failed to seal new block, requiring derivation reset", "err", err)
                d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(d.config.BlockTime)) // hold off from sequencing for a full block
            } else if errors.Is(err, derive.ErrTemporary) {
                d.log.Error("sequencer temporarily failed to start building new block", "err", err)
                d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second)
            } else {
                d.log.Error("sequencer failed to start building new block with unclassified error", "err", err)
                d.nextAction = d.timeNow().Add(time.Second)
        } else {
            parent, buildingID, _ := d.engine.BuildingPayload() // we should have a new payload ID now that we're building a block
            d.log.Info("sequencer started building new block", "payload_id", buildingID, "l2_parent_block", parent, "l2_parent_block_time", parent.Time)
        return nil, nil

这段代码定义了一个名为 RunNextSequencerAction 的方法,它是 Sequencer 结构的一部分。这个方法的目的是管理区块的创建和封装过程,根据当前的状态和遇到的任何错误来决定下一步的操作。

使用 d.engine.BuildingPayload() 来检查当前是否有一个正在创建的区块。








func (d *Sequencer) StartBuildingBlock(ctx context.Context) error {
attrs, err := d.attrBuilder.PreparePayloadAttributes(fetchCtx, l2Head, l1Origin.ID())
if err != nil {
    return err

attrs.NoTxPool = uint64(attrs.Timestamp) > l1Origin.Time+d.config.MaxSequencerDrift

// Start a payload building process.
errTyp, err := d.engine.StartPayload(ctx, l2Head, attrs, false)
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("failed to start building on top of L2 chain %s, error (%d): %w", l2Head, errTyp, err)


在这段代码中, RunNextSequencerAction 方法及其在区块创建和封装过程中的作用如下



Optimism 中的重要概念

在我们深入探讨 PreparePayloadAttributes 之前,我们需要先理解 Optimism 网络中的两个重要概念:Sequencing WindowSequencing Epoch

Sequencing Window

在合并后的以太坊网络中,L1 的固定区块时间是 12 秒,而 L2 的区块时间是 2 秒。基于这个设置,我们可以明确“Sequencing Window”的概念,并通过一个示例来阐述它:

  • 示例:如果我们设定一个“Sequencing Window”来包含 5 个 L1 区块,那么这个窗口的总时间将为 60 秒(12 秒/区块 × 5 区块 = 60 秒)。在这 60 秒的时间段里,理论上可以产生 30 个 L2 区块(60 秒/2 秒 = 30)。

Sequencing Epoch

“Sequencing Epoch”是根据特定的“Sequencing Window”派生的一系列 L2 区块。

  • 示例:在一个“Sequencing Window”中包含了 5 个 L1 区块,这意味着它涵盖了 60 秒的时间段(12 秒/区块 × 5 区块)。在这段时间里,理论上可以生成 30 个 L2 区块(60 秒 ÷ 2 秒/区块 = 30 区块)。


在一些特殊情况下,为了保持网络的活跃性,我们可以通过增加“epoch”的长度来应对 L1 插槽被跳过或临时失去与 L1 的连接的情况。相反,为了防止 L2 时间戳逐渐超前于 L1,我们可能需要缩短“epoch”的时间来进行调整。



在下面的函数中,我们可以看到传入的 epoch 参数是 l1Origin.ID()。这符合我们对 epoch 编号的定义。函数负责准备创建新 L2 块的所有必要属性。

    attrs, err := d.attrBuilder.PreparePayloadAttributes(fetchCtx, l2Head, l1Origin.ID())
func (ba *FetchingAttributesBuilder) PreparePayloadAttributes(ctx context.Context, l2Parent eth.L2BlockRef, epoch eth.BlockID) (attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes, err error) {
    var l1Info eth.BlockInfo
    var depositTxs []hexutil.Bytes
    var seqNumber uint64

sysConfig, err := ba.l2.SystemConfigByL2Hash(ctx, l2Parent.Hash)
if err != nil {
    return nil, NewTemporaryError(fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve L2 parent block: %w", err))

// If the L1 origin changed this block, then we are in the first block of the epoch. In this
// case we need to fetch all transaction receipts from the L1 origin block so we can scan for
// user deposits.
if l2Parent.L1Origin.Number != epoch.Number {
    info, receipts, err := ba.l1.FetchReceipts(ctx, epoch.Hash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewTemporaryError(fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch L1 block info and receipts: %w", err))
    if l2Parent.L1Origin.Hash != info.ParentHash() {
        return nil, NewResetError(
            fmt.Errorf("cannot create new block with L1 origin %s (parent %s) on top of L1 origin %s",
                epoch, info.ParentHash(), l2Parent.L1Origin))

    deposits, err := DeriveDeposits(receipts, ba.cfg.DepositContractAddress)
    if err != nil {
        // deposits may never be ignored. Failing to process them is a critical error.
        return nil, NewCriticalError(fmt.Errorf("failed to derive some deposits: %w", err))
    // apply sysCfg changes
    if err := UpdateSystemConfigWithL1Receipts(&sysConfig, receipts, ba.cfg); err != nil {
        return nil, NewCriticalError(fmt.Errorf("failed to apply derived L1 sysCfg updates: %w", err))

    l1Info = info
    depositTxs = deposits
    seqNumber = 0
} else {
    if l2Parent.L1Origin.Hash != epoch.Hash {
        return nil, NewResetError(fmt.Errorf("cannot create new block with L1 origin %s in conflict with L1 origin %s", epoch, l2Parent.L1Origin))
    info, err := ba.l1.InfoByHash(ctx, epoch.Hash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, NewTemporaryError(fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch L1 block info: %w", err))
    l1Info = info
    depositTxs = nil
    seqNumber = l2Parent.SequenceNumber + 1

// Sanity check the L1 origin was correctly selected to maintain the time invariant between L1 and L2
nextL2Time := l2Parent.Time + ba.cfg.BlockTime
if nextL2Time < l1Info.Time() {
    return nil, NewResetError(fmt.Errorf("cannot build L2 block on top %s for time %d before L1 origin %s at time %d",
        l2Parent, nextL2Time, eth.ToBlockID(l1Info), l1Info.Time()))

l1InfoTx, err := L1InfoDepositBytes(seqNumber, l1Info, sysConfig, ba.cfg.IsRegolith(nextL2Time))
if err != nil {
    return nil, NewCriticalError(fmt.Errorf("failed to create l1InfoTx: %w", err))

txs := make([]hexutil.Bytes, 0, 1+len(depositTxs))
txs = append(txs, l1InfoTx)
txs = append(txs, depositTxs...)

return &eth.PayloadAttributes{
    Timestamp:             hexutil.Uint64(nextL2Time),
    PrevRandao:            eth.Bytes32(l1Info.MixDigest()),
    SuggestedFeeRecipient: predeploys.SequencerFeeVaultAddr,
    Transactions:          txs,
    NoTxPool:              true,
    GasLimit:              (*eth.Uint64Quantity)(&sysConfig.GasLimit),
}, nil



如代码所示,PreparePayloadAttributes 准备新区块的有效载荷属性,它首先根据L1和L2的父块信息确定是否需要获取新的L1存款和系统配置数据。然后它创建一个特殊的系统交易,其中包含与L1块相关的信息和系统配置。这个特殊的交易和其他可能的L1存款交易一起构成了一个交易集,这将被包含在新的L2块的有效负载中。函数确保了时间的一致性和正确的序列号分配,最后返回一个包含所有这些信息的PayloadAttributes结构,以用于新L2块的创建。但在这里,我们只是准备了一个初步的 payload,它仅包含 L1 中的 deposit 交易。之后,我们调用 StartPayload 来开始 payload 的下一步构建。


attrs.NoTxPool = uint64(attrs.Timestamp) > l1Origin.Time+d.config.MaxSequencerDrift



errTyp, err := d.engine.StartPayload(ctx, l2Head, attrs, false)
if err != nil {
    // 如果在启动有效载荷构建过程时出现错误,则返回格式化的错误消息
    return fmt.Errorf("failed to start building on top of L2 chain %s, error (%d): %w", l2Head, errTyp, err)

StartPayload 函数

StartPayload 主要是触发了ForkchoiceUpdate和更新了EngineQueue中的building的一些状态,如buildingID等,后续再次RunNextSequencerAction时会根据这个id来找找到正在构建的ID

    func (eq *EngineQueue) StartPayload(ctx context.Context, parent eth.L2BlockRef, attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes, updateSafe bool) (errType BlockInsertionErrType, err error) {
        if eq.isEngineSyncing() {
            return BlockInsertTemporaryErr, fmt.Errorf("engine is in progess of p2p sync")
        if eq.buildingID != (eth.PayloadID{}) {
            eq.log.Warn("did not finish previous block building, starting new building now", "prev_onto", eq.buildingOnto, "prev_payload_id", eq.buildingID, "new_onto", parent)
            // TODO: maybe worth it to force-cancel the old payload ID here.
        fc := eth.ForkchoiceState{
            HeadBlockHash:      parent.Hash,
            SafeBlockHash:      eq.safeHead.Hash,
            FinalizedBlockHash: eq.finalized.Hash,
        id, errTyp, err := StartPayload(ctx, eq.engine, fc, attrs)
        if err != nil {
            return errTyp, err
        eq.buildingID = id
        eq.buildingSafe = updateSafe
        eq.buildingOnto = parent
        return BlockInsertOK, nil
   func StartPayload(ctx context.Context, eng Engine, fc eth.ForkchoiceState, attrs *eth.PayloadAttributes) (id eth.PayloadID, errType BlockInsertionErrType, err error) {
    fcRes, err := eng.ForkchoiceUpdate(ctx, &fc, attrs)

在这个函数中内部调用ForkchoiceUpdate,我们可以看到一个新的 Payload ID 被创建,并且正在构建的 ID 和其他相关参数也被更新。

ForkchoiceUpdate 函数

紧接着,ForkchoiceUpdate 函数被调用来处理 ForkChoice 的更新。这个函数是一个包装函数,它调用 engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1 来触发 EL 产生新的区块。


var result eth.ForkchoiceUpdatedResult
err := s.client.CallContext(fcCtx, &result, "engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1", fc, attributes)

这个函数内部调用了 engine_forkchoiceUpdatedV1 方法来处理 Fork Choice 的更新和新的 Payload 的创建。

op-geth 中的 ForkchoiceUpdated 函数

接下来,我们将视角转到 op-geth 中来看一下 forkchoiceUpdated 函数的实现。

在op-geth中,处理改请求的为forkchoiceUpdated函数,此函数首先获取和验证与提供的 fork choice 状态相关的各种区块,然后基于这些信息和可选的负载属性来创建一个新的负载(即一个新的区块)。如果负载创建成功,它将返回一个包含新负载 ID 的有效响应,否则它将返回一个错误。

if payloadAttributes != nil {
    if api.eth.BlockChain().Config().Optimism != nil && payloadAttributes.GasLimit == nil {
        return engine.STATUS_INVALID, engine.InvalidPayloadAttributes.With(errors.New("gasLimit parameter is required"))
    transactions := make(types.Transactions, 0, len(payloadAttributes.Transactions))
    for i, otx := range payloadAttributes.Transactions {
        var tx types.Transaction
        if err := tx.UnmarshalBinary(otx); err != nil {
            return engine.STATUS_INVALID, fmt.Errorf("transaction %d is not valid: %v", i, err)
        transactions = append(transactions, &tx)
    args := &miner.BuildPayloadArgs{
        Parent:       update.HeadBlockHash,
        Timestamp:    payloadAttributes.Timestamp,
        FeeRecipient: payloadAttributes.SuggestedFeeRecipient,
        Random:       payloadAttributes.Random,
        Withdrawals:  payloadAttributes.Withdrawals,
        NoTxPool:     payloadAttributes.NoTxPool,
        Transactions: transactions,
        GasLimit:     payloadAttributes.GasLimit,
    id := args.Id()
    // If we already are busy generating this work, then we do not need
    // to start a second process.
    if api.localBlocks.has(id) {
        return valid(&id), nil
    payload, err := api.eth.Miner().BuildPayload(args)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Failed to build payload", "err", err)
        return valid(nil), engine.InvalidPayloadAttributes.With(err)
    api.localBlocks.put(id, payload)
    return valid(&id), nil


// buildPayload builds the payload according to the provided parameters.
func (w *worker) buildPayload(args *BuildPayloadArgs) (*Payload, error) {
    // Build the initial version with no transaction included. It should be fast
    // enough to run. The empty payload can at least make sure there is something
    // to deliver for not missing slot.
    empty, _, err := w.getSealingBlock(args.Parent, args.Timestamp, args.FeeRecipient, args.Random, args.Withdrawals, true, args.Transactions, args.GasLimit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // Construct a payload object for return.
    payload := newPayload(empty, args.Id())
    if args.NoTxPool { // don't start the background payload updating job if there is no tx pool to pull from
        return payload, nil

    // Spin up a routine for updating the payload in background. This strategy
    // can maximum the revenue for including transactions with highest fee.
    go func() {
        // Setup the timer for re-building the payload. The initial clock is kept
        // for triggering process immediately.
        timer := time.NewTimer(0)
        defer timer.Stop()

        // Setup the timer for terminating the process if SECONDS_PER_SLOT (12s in
        // the Mainnet configuration) have passed since the point in time identified
        // by the timestamp parameter.
        endTimer := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 12)

        for {
            select {
            case <-timer.C:
                start := time.Now()
                block, fees, err := w.getSealingBlock(args.Parent, args.Timestamp, args.FeeRecipient, args.Random, args.Withdrawals, false, args.Transactions, args.GasLimit)
                if err == nil {
                    payload.update(block, fees, time.Since(start))
            case <-payload.stop:
                log.Info("Stopping work on payload", "id", payload.id, "reason", "delivery")
            case <-endTimer.C:
                log.Info("Stopping work on payload", "id", payload.id, "reason", "timeout")
    return payload, nil



如果参数 args.NoTxPool 为真,这意味着没有交易池来从中获取交易,函数将结束并返回当前的负载对象。

如果 args.NoTxPool 为假,则启动一个后台goroutine来定期更新负载,以包含更多的交易和更新状态。
通过这种方式,buildPayload 函数确保了一个初始的负载快速可用,同时后台进程尽可能地通过包含更多的交易来优化负载。这种策略旨在最大化通过包含高费用交易来获得的收入。

答案藏在 getSealingBlock函数里

func (w *worker) getSealingBlock(parent common.Hash, timestamp uint64, coinbase common.Address, random common.Hash, withdrawals types.Withdrawals, noTxs bool, transactions types.Transactions, gasLimit *uint64) (*types.Block, *big.Int, error) {
    req := &getWorkReq{
        params: &generateParams{
            timestamp:   timestamp,
            forceTime:   true,
            parentHash:  parent,
            coinbase:    coinbase,
            random:      random,
            withdrawals: withdrawals,
            noUncle:     true,
            noTxs:       noTxs,
            txs:         transactions,
            gasLimit:    gasLimit,
        result: make(chan *newPayloadResult, 1),
    select {
    case w.getWorkCh <- req:
        result := <-req.result
        if result.err != nil {
            return nil, nil, result.err
        return result.block, result.fees, nil
    case <-w.exitCh:
        return nil, nil, errors.New("miner closed")

在这个部分,我们看到 mainLoop 函数通过监听 getWorkCh 通道来接收新的 Payload 创建请求。一旦接收到请求,它就会触发 generateWork 函数来开始新 Payload 的创建过程。

case req := <-w.getWorkCh:
    block, fees, err := w.generateWork(req.params)
    req.result <- &newPayloadResult{
        err:   err,
        block: block,
        fees:  fees,

GenerateWork 函数

GenerateWork 函数是新 Payload 创建流程的最后一步。它负责准备工作并创建新的区块。

    // generateWork generates a sealing block based on the given parameters.
    func (w *worker) generateWork(genParams *generateParams) (*types.Block, *big.Int, error) {
        work, err := w.prepareWork(genParams)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        defer work.discard()
        if work.gasPool == nil {
            work.gasPool = new(core.GasPool).AddGas(work.header.GasLimit)

        for _, tx := range genParams.txs {
            from, _ := types.Sender(work.signer, tx)
            work.state.SetTxContext(tx.Hash(), work.tcount)
            _, err := w.commitTransaction(work, tx)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to force-include tx: %s type: %d sender: %s nonce: %d, err: %w", tx.Hash(), tx.Type(), from, tx.Nonce(), err)

        // forced transactions done, fill rest of block with transactions
        if !genParams.noTxs {
            interrupt := new(atomic.Int32)
            timer := time.AfterFunc(w.newpayloadTimeout, func() {
            defer timer.Stop()

            err := w.fillTransactions(interrupt, work)
            if errors.Is(err, errBlockInterruptedByTimeout) {
                log.Warn("Block building is interrupted", "allowance", common.PrettyDuration(w.newpayloadTimeout))
        block, err := w.engine.FinalizeAndAssemble(w.chain, work.header, work.state, work.txs, work.unclelist(), work.receipts, genParams.withdrawals)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        return block, totalFees(block, work.receipts), nil



在这一部分,我们将继续探讨 Sequencer 模式下的区块产生流程。这个阶段主要涉及到区块的完成和确认过程。以下我们将详细分析每个步骤和函数的作用。


在开始阶段,我们首先在内存池中构建一个新的区块。这里特别注意到 NoTxPool 参数的应用,它是之前在 Sequencer 中设置的。这一段代码负责区块的初步构建和后续的优化工作。


if !genParams.noTxs {
    interrupt := new(atomic.Int32)
    timer := time.AfterFunc(w.newpayloadTimeout, func() {
    defer timer.Stop()

    err := w.fillTransactions(interrupt, work)
    if errors.Is(err, errBlockInterruptedByTimeout) {
        log.Warn("Block building is interrupted", "allowance", common.PrettyDuration(w.newpayloadTimeout))



进入判断 但是在这次,我们的buildingID已经存在,因此进入CompleteBuildingBlock的阶段。

if onto, buildingID, safe := d.engine.BuildingPayload(); buildingID != (eth.PayloadID{}) {
        payload, err := d.CompleteBuildingBlock(ctx)


// ConfirmPayload ends an execution payload building process in the provided Engine, and persists the payload as the canonical head.
// If updateSafe is true, then the payload will also be recognized as safe-head at the same time.
// The severity of the error is distinguished to determine whether the payload was valid and can become canonical.
func ConfirmPayload(ctx context.Context, log log.Logger, eng Engine, fc eth.ForkchoiceState, id eth.PayloadID, updateSafe bool) (out *eth.ExecutionPayload, errTyp BlockInsertionErrType, err error) {
    payload, err := eng.GetPayload(ctx, id)
    status, err := eng.NewPayload(ctx, payload)
    fcRes, err := eng.ForkchoiceUpdate(ctx, &fc, nil)
    return payload, BlockInsertOK, nil



这张导图主要是描述了create blocks的过程,

Rollup 驱动程序实际上并不真正创建区块。相反,它通过 Engine API 指导执行引擎这样做。在上述每次块派生循环的迭代中,rollup 驱动程序将制作一个 payload 属性对象并将其发送到执行引擎。然后执行引擎将 payload 属性对象转换为一个区块,并将其添加到链中。Rollup 驱动程序的基本序列如下:

  1. 使用 payload 属性对象调用 engine_forkChoiceUpdatedV1。我们现在先跳过 fork choice state 参数的详细信息 - 只需知道它的一个字段是 L2 链的 headBlockHash,它被设置为 L2 链尖端的区块哈希。Engine API 返回一个 payload ID。
  2. 使用第1步返回的 payload ID 调用 engine_getPayloadV1。引擎 API 返回一个包含区块哈希作为其字段之一的 payload 对象。
  3. 使用第2步返回的 payload 调用 engine_newPayloadV1。
  4. 使用 fork choice 参数的 headBlockHash 设置为第2步返回的区块哈希来调用 engine_forkChoiceUpdatedV1。现在,L2 链的尖端是在第1步中创建的区块。


第二步 GetPayload方法

// Resolve returns the latest built payload and also terminates the background
// thread for updating payload. It's safe to be called multiple times.
func (payload *Payload) Resolve() *engine.ExecutionPayloadEnvelope {
    defer payload.lock.Unlock()

    select {
    case <-payload.stop:
    if payload.full != nil {
        return engine.BlockToExecutableData(payload.full, payload.fullFees)
    return engine.BlockToExecutableData(payload.empty, big.NewInt(0))


第三步 NewPayload方法

func (api *ConsensusAPI) newPayload(params engine.ExecutableData) (engine.PayloadStatusV1, error) {
    block, err := engine.ExecutableDataToBlock(params)
    if err != nil {
        log.Debug("Invalid NewPayload params", "params", params, "error", err)
        return engine.PayloadStatusV1{Status: engine.INVALID}, nil
    if err := api.eth.BlockChain().InsertBlockWithoutSetHead(block); err != nil {
        log.Warn("NewPayloadV1: inserting block failed", "error", err)

        api.invalidBlocksHits[block.Hash()] = 1
        api.invalidTipsets[block.Hash()] = block.Header()

        return api.invalid(err, parent.Header()), nil


第四步 ForkchoiceUpdate方法

func (api *ConsensusAPI) forkchoiceUpdated(update engine.ForkchoiceStateV1, payloadAttributes *engine.PayloadAttributes) (engine.ForkChoiceResponse, error) {
    if update.FinalizedBlockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
        if merger := api.eth.Merger(); !merger.PoSFinalized() {
        // If the finalized block is not in our canonical tree, somethings wrong
        finalBlock := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlockByHash(update.FinalizedBlockHash)
        if finalBlock == nil {
            log.Warn("Final block not available in database", "hash", update.FinalizedBlockHash)
            return engine.STATUS_INVALID, engine.InvalidForkChoiceState.With(errors.New("final block not available in database"))
        } else if rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(api.eth.ChainDb(), finalBlock.NumberU64()) != update.FinalizedBlockHash {
            log.Warn("Final block not in canonical chain", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", update.HeadBlockHash)
            return engine.STATUS_INVALID, engine.InvalidForkChoiceState.With(errors.New("final block not in canonical chain"))
        // Set the finalized block



    payload, errTyp, err := ConfirmPayload(ctx, eq.log, eq.engine, fc, eq.buildingID, eq.buildingSafe)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errTyp, fmt.Errorf("failed to complete building on top of L2 chain %s, id: %s, error (%d): %w", eq.buildingOnto, eq.buildingID, errTyp, err)
    ref, err := PayloadToBlockRef(payload, &eq.cfg.Genesis)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, BlockInsertPayloadErr, NewResetError(fmt.Errorf("failed to decode L2 block ref from payload: %w", err))

    eq.unsafeHead = ref
    eq.engineSyncTarget = ref
    eq.metrics.RecordL2Ref("l2_unsafe", ref)
    eq.metrics.RecordL2Ref("l2_engineSyncTarget", ref)

可以看到payload被解析为PayloadToBlockRe(PayloadToBlockRef extracts the essential L2BlockRef information from an execution payload, falling back to genesis information if necessary.)例如unsafeHead。这些数据会被后续的例如区块传播等步骤使用

这样一个完整sequencer模式下的区块产生的流程将结束了。 下一章讲继续介绍在产生完区块后,sequencer是如何把这个区块传播给其他例如verifier的节点的。




opcode name cnt_arith cnt_binary cnt_mem_align cnt_keccak_f cnt_padding_pg cnt_poseidon_g is_dynamic
0x00 STOP 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x01 ADD 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x02 MUL 1 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x03 SUB 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x04 DIV 1 2 0 0 0 0 false
0x05 SDIV 1 8 0 0 0 0 false
0x06 MOD 1 2 0 0 0 0 false
0x07 SMOD 1 8 0 0 0 0 false
0x08 ADDMOD 1 3 0 0 0 0 false
0x09 MULMOD 2 2 0 0 0 0 false
0x0a EXP 512 1025 0 0 0 0 true
0x0b SIGNEXTEND 0 6 0 0 0 0 false
0x10 LT 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x11 GT 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x12 SLT 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x13 SGT 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x14 EQ 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x15 ISZERO 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x16 AND 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x17 OR 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x18 XOR 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x19 NOT 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x1a BYTE 2 4 0 0 0 0 false
0x1b SHL 1 2 0 0 0 0 false
0x1c SHR 1 3 0 0 0 0 false
0x1d SAR 2 10 0 0 0 0 false
0x20 SHA3 192 193 2 2 0 10 true
0x30 ADDRESS 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x31 BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 9 false
0x32 ORIGIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x33 CALLER 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x34 CALLVALUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x35 CALLDATALOAD 64 66 0 0 0 0 true
0x36 CALLDATASIZE 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x37 CALLDATACOPY - - - 0 0 0 true
0x38 CODESIZE 0 0 0 0 0 252 true
0x39 CODECOPY 0 - - 0 0 255 true
0x3a GASPRICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x3b EXTCODESIZE 0 0 0 0 0 255 true
0x3c EXTCODECOPY 0 - - 0 11 510 true
0x3d RETURNDATASIZE 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
0x3e RETURNDATACOPY - - 2 0 0 0 true
0x3f EXTCODEHASH 0 0 0 0 0 255 true
0x40 BLOCKHASH 0 0 0 1 0 9 false
0x41 COINBASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x42 TIMESTAMP 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x43 NUMBER 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x44 DIFFICULTY 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x45 GASLIMIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x46 CHAINID 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x47 SELFBALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 255 true
0x50 POP 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x51 MLOAD 32 32 1 0 0 255 true
0x52 MSTORE 32 32 1 0 0 255 true
0x53 MSTORE8 32 1 1 0 0 255 false
0x54 SLOAD 0 0 0 0 0 255 true
0x55 SSTORE 0 - 0 0 0 255 true
0x56 JUMP 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0x57 JUMPI 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0x59 MSIZE 1 3 0 0 0 0 false
0x5a GAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x5b JUMPDEST 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x60 PUSH1 0 3 0 0 0 0 true
0x61 PUSH2 0 4 0 0 0 0 true
0x62 PUSH3 0 5 0 0 0 0 false
0x63 PUSH4 0 2 0 0 0 0 false
0x64 PUSH5 0 4 0 0 0 0 false
0x65 PUSH6 0 5 0 0 0 0 false
0x66 PUSH7 0 6 0 0 0 0 false
0x67 PUSH8 0 3 0 0 0 0 false
0x68 PUSH9 0 5 0 0 0 0 false
0x69 PUSH10 0 6 0 0 0 0 false
0x6a PUSH11 0 7 0 0 0 0 false
0x6b PUSH12 0 4 0 0 0 0 false
0x6c PUSH13 0 6 0 0 0 0 false
0x6d PUSH14 0 7 0 0 0 0 false
0x6e PUSH15 0 8 0 0 0 0 false
0x6f PUSH16 0 5 0 0 0 0 false
0x70 PUSH17 0 7 0 0 0 0 false
0x71 PUSH18 0 8 0 0 0 0 false
0x72 PUSH19 0 9 0 0 0 0 false
0x73 PUSH20 0 6 0 0 0 0 false
0x74 PUSH21 0 8 0 0 0 0 false
0x75 PUSH22 0 9 0 0 0 0 false
0x76 PUSH23 0 10 0 0 0 0 false
0x77 PUSH24 0 7 0 0 0 0 false
0x78 PUSH25 0 9 0 0 0 0 false
0x79 PUSH26 0 10 0 0 0 0 false
0x7a PUSH27 0 11 0 0 0 0 false
0x7b PUSH28 0 8 0 0 0 0 false
0x7c PUSH29 0 10 0 0 0 0 false
0x7d PUSH30 0 11 0 0 0 0 false
0x7e PUSH31 0 12 0 0 0 0 false
0x7f PUSH32 0 9 0 0 0 0 false
0x80 DUP1 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x81 DUP2 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x82 DUP3 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x83 DUP4 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x84 DUP5 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x85 DUP6 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x86 DUP7 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x87 DUP8 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x88 DUP9 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x90 SWAP1 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x91 SWAP2 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x92 SWAP3 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x93 SWAP4 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x94 SWAP5 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x95 SWAP6 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0x96 SWAP7 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0xa0 LOG0 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0xa1 LOG1 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0xa2 LOG2 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0xa3 LOG3 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0xa4 LOG4 0 - 0 0 0 0 true
0xf0 CREATE - - 0 - 0 - true
0xf1 CALL - - 0 0 - - true
0xf2 CALLCODE - - 0 0 - - true
0xf3 RETURN 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0xf4 DELEGATECALL - - 0 0 - - true
0xf5 CREATE2 - - 0 - 0 - true
0xfa STATICCALL - - 0 0 - - true
0xfd REVERT 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
0xfe INVALID 0 1 0 0 0 0 false

Dynamic zk-counters

In the following doc, we calculate the cost of processing the opcode. It's important to also add the cost of calculating the cost


1- a: integer base.
2- exponent: integer exponent.

dynamic_gas = 50 * exponent_byte_size
We need to calculate the exponent byte size to get the gas cost. The counters cost is dynamic but we can't calculate the cost without consuming counters in a dynamic way. We need to find a way to get the size of the exponent in a constant manner or handle the counters limitations from the zkasm.
Maximum setted: Maxmimun byte syze = 256 bytes. Max counters = 256 * (2A + 4B) + 1B = 512A + 1025B


L = input length
L/32 = A
L % 32 > 0 ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0

cnt_arith = 2 + B6
cnt_binary = 2 + A + B
cnt_keccak = 1


L = byte offset in the calldata.
L/32 = A
L % 32 > 0 ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0

counters = divARITH + B*(SHLarith + SHRarith)


L = Length to copy.
L/32 = A
L % 32 > 0 ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0

counters = A(divARITH + SHLarith + SHRarith + MSTORE32) + SHLarith2 + SHRarith + MSTOREX


counters = SLOAD


L = bytes to copy.
if is createContract -> counters = CALLDATACOPY
else -> counters = LT + L*(LT + MEM_ALIGN_WR8)


counters = SLOAD


L = bytes to copy.
if is createContract -> counters = CALLDATACOPY
else -> counters = LT + L*(LT + MEM_ALIGN_WR8)


L = Length to copy.
L/32 = A
L % 32 > 0 ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0
counters = 2EQ + LT + divARITH + mulARITH + A(MLOAD32 + MSTORE32) + B*(MLOADX + MSTOREX)


counters = SLOAD


counters = SLOAD


counters = MLOAD32


counters = MSTORE32


counters = SLOAD


Cant calculate


isCreateContract ? true -> A = 1, false -> A = 0
isCreate ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0

counters = EQ + A(B(MLOADX + SHRarith) + (1-B)(EQ)) + (1-A)(EQ)


isCreateContract ? true -> A = 1, false -> A = 0
isCreate ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0

counters = EQ + A(B(MLOADX + SHRarith) + (1-B)(EQ)) + (1-A)(EQ)


L = byte size to copy.
L/32 = A
L % 32 > 0 ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0
counters = AMLOAD32 + BMLOADX


counters = computeGasSendCall + copySP + SLOAD + SSTORE + getLenBytes


argsLengthCall + retLength == 0 ? true -> A = 1, false -> A = 0
argsOffsetCall > memLength ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0
counters = addARITH + EQ + (1-A)(LT +BsaveMem ) + LT + isEmptyAccount + computeGasSendCall + copySP


counters = 2EQ + LT2 + computeGasSendCall + copySP


counters = 2EQ + LT2 + computeGasSendCall + copySP


counters = computeGasSendCall + copySP + SLOAD + SSTORE + getLenBytes


counters = 2EQ + LT2 + computeGasSendCall + copySP


REG Name cnt_arith cnt_binary cnt_mem_align cnt_keccak_f cnt_padding_pg cnt_poseidon_g is_dynamic
LT 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
EQ 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
ARITH 1 0 0 0 0 0 false
SLOAD 0 0 0 0 0 11 true
SSTORE 0 0 0 0 0 11 true
MEM_ALIGN_WR8 0 0 1 0 0 0 false

Dynamic regs



Should check how SLOAD is implemented

Functions TABLE

FUNC Name cnt_arith cnt_binary cnt_mem_align cnt_keccak_f cnt_padding_pg cnt_poseidon_g is_dynamic
addARITH 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
divARITH 1 2 0 0 0 0 false
subARITH 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
mulARITH 1 0 0 0 0 0 false
saveMem 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
computeGasSendCall 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
copySP - - 0 0 0 0 true
MLOAD32 0 0 0 0 0 0 true
MLOADX 0 0 0 0 0 0 true
MSTORE32 0 0 0 0 0 0 true
MSTOREX 0 0 0 0 0 0 true
sliceA 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
SHRarith - - 0 0 0 0 true
SHLarith - - 0 0 0 0 true
opCODECOPYLoadBytes 0 1 0 0 0 0 false
isEmptyAccount - - 0 0 0 0 true

Dynamic functions


It depends on the stack size.
L = stack length
L/32 = A
L % 32 > 0 ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0
counters = MLOAD32 * (A + B)





L = bytes length
L > 0 ? true -> A = 1, false -> A = 0
isMSTOREX ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0
counters = LT + B(2SHRarith + 2SHLarith) + (1-B)(C(2SHLarith + 4SHRarith) + (1-C)(2SHRarith + 2SHLarith) + MEM_ALIGN_WR)
counters = 192A + 193B + 2MA



A -> bytes to shift
D -> times to shift (A << D)
E -> D > 256? true = 1, false = 0
counters= ARITH + EQ + (1-E) (D(LT + ARITH)) = 1A + 1B + (1-E)(D(1A + 1B)
counters = 32A + 32B


isNotPrecompiled ? true -> A = 1, false -> A = 0
zeroBalance ? true -> B = 1, false -> B = 0
zeroNonce ? true -> C = 1, false -> C = 0

counters = LT + A(SLOAD + LT + B(SLOAD + LT + C*(SLOAD + LT)))
