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买卖内存的最小字节数 (token amount received from selling ram is too low)


root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos system sellram dapp.exec 1
1483958ms thread-0   main.cpp:438                  create_action        ] result: {"binargs":"000040aa2b50ab490100000000000000"} arg: {"code":"eosio","action":"sellram","args":{"account":"dapp.exec","bytes":1}} 
Error 3050003: eosio_assert_message assertion failure
Error Details:
assertion failure with message: token amount received from selling ram is too low
pending console output:
void system_contract::sellram( account_name account, int64_t bytes ) {
      require_auth( account );
      eosio_assert( bytes > 0, "cannot sell negative byte" );

      user_resources_table  userres( _self, account );
      auto res_itr = userres.find( account );
      eosio_assert( res_itr != userres.end(), "no resource row" );
      eosio_assert( res_itr->ram_bytes >= bytes, "insufficient quota" );

      asset tokens_out;
      auto itr = _rammarket.find(S(4,RAMCORE));
      _rammarket.modify( itr, 0, [&]( auto& es ) {
          /// the cast to int64_t of bytes is safe because we certify bytes is <= quota which is limited by prior purchases
          tokens_out = es.convert( asset(bytes,S(0,RAM)), CORE_SYMBOL);

      eosio_assert( tokens_out.amount > 1, "token amount received from selling ram is too low" );

当按EOS买内存时,如果所支出的EOS扣除0.5%手续费后的余额,按当时内存价格所购买的字节数小于1,则出错"must reserve a positive amount"

void system_contract::buyram( account_name payer, account_name receiver, asset quant )
      require_auth( payer );
      eosio_assert( quant.amount > 0, "must purchase a positive amount" );

      auto fee = quant;
      fee.amount = ( fee.amount + 199 ) / 200; /// .5% fee (round up)
      // fee.amount cannot be 0 since that is only possible if quant.amount is 0 which is not allowed by the assert above.
      // If quant.amount == 1, then fee.amount == 1,
      // otherwise if quant.amount > 1, then 0 < fee.amount < quant.amount.
      auto quant_after_fee = quant;
      quant_after_fee.amount -= fee.amount;
      // quant_after_fee.amount should be > 0 if quant.amount > 1.
      // If quant.amount == 1, then quant_after_fee.amount == 0 and the next inline transfer will fail causing the buyram action to fail.

      INLINE_ACTION_SENDER(eosio::token, transfer)( N(eosio.token), {payer,N(active)},
         { payer, N(eosio.ram), quant_after_fee, std::string("buy ram") } );

      if( fee.amount > 0 ) {
         INLINE_ACTION_SENDER(eosio::token, transfer)( N(eosio.token), {payer,N(active)},
                                                       { payer, N(eosio.ramfee), fee, std::string("ram fee") } );

      int64_t bytes_out;

      const auto& market = _rammarket.get(S(4,RAMCORE), "ram market does not exist");
      _rammarket.modify( market, 0, [&]( auto& es ) {
          bytes_out = es.convert( quant_after_fee,  S(0,RAM) ).amount;

      eosio_assert( bytes_out > 0, "must reserve a positive amount" );

当按字节数买内存时,内部会先按当时内存价格计算出所需的EOS价格,如果计算出的EOS扣除0.5%手续费后的余额,按当时内存价格所购买的字节数小于1,也会出错"must reserve a positive amount"

EOS traces 多个相同的 txid数据

    "id": "fe804e9a9ab2a9f8b674bb490ac2c89d4f70247f82bc506adc7285cb82e3c991",
    "trx": {
        "receipt": {
            "status": "executed",
            "cpu_usage_us": 688,
            "net_usage_words": 16,
            "trx": [
                    "signatures": [
                    "compression": "none",
                    "packed_context_free_data": "",
                    "packed_trx": "d27c555bc5a54ba71421000000000100a6823403ea3055000000572d3ccdcd0130c618630c05a77900000000a8ed32322130c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f53000000000000"
        "trx": {
            "expiration": "2018-07-23T06:59:30",
            "ref_block_num": 42437,
            "ref_block_prefix": 555001675,
            "max_net_usage_words": 0,
            "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,
            "delay_sec": 0,
            "context_free_actions": [],
            "actions": [
                    "account": "eosio.token",
                    "name": "transfer",
                    "authorization": [
                            "actor": "bcskill3333333",
                            "permission": "active"
                    "data": {
                        "from": "bcskill3333333",
                        "to": "dappplaytest",
                        "quantity": "2.0000 EOS",
                        "memo": ""
                    "hex_data": "30c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f530000000000"
            "transaction_extensions": [],
            "signatures": [
            "context_free_data": []
    "block_time": "2018-07-23T06:58:32.000",
    "block_num": 7317258,
    "last_irreversible_block": 8006080,
    "traces": [
            "receipt": {
                "receiver": "eosio.token",
                "act_digest": "c6c9aa38acd0c3940de511b6ee69b1831f047f895b4aa94a6cde8ae80dfdd6a5",
                "global_sequence": 74737287,
                "recv_sequence": 2145761,
                "auth_sequence": [
                "code_sequence": 1,
                "abi_sequence": 1
            "act": {
                "account": "eosio.token",
                "name": "transfer",
                "authorization": [
                        "actor": "bcskill3333333",
                        "permission": "active"
                "data": {
                    "from": "bcskill3333333",
                    "to": "dappplaytest",
                    "quantity": "2.0000 EOS",
                    "memo": ""
                "hex_data": "30c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f530000000000"
            "elapsed": 42,
            "cpu_usage": 0,
            "console": "",
            "total_cpu_usage": 0,
            "trx_id": "fe804e9a9ab2a9f8b674bb490ac2c89d4f70247f82bc506adc7285cb82e3c991",
            "inline_traces": [
                    "receipt": {
                        "receiver": "bcskill3333333",
                        "act_digest": "c6c9aa38acd0c3940de511b6ee69b1831f047f895b4aa94a6cde8ae80dfdd6a5",
                        "global_sequence": 74737288,
                        "recv_sequence": 19,
                        "auth_sequence": [
                        "code_sequence": 1,
                        "abi_sequence": 1
                    "act": {
                        "account": "eosio.token",
                        "name": "transfer",
                        "authorization": [
                                "actor": "bcskill3333333",
                                "permission": "active"
                        "data": {
                            "from": "bcskill3333333",
                            "to": "dappplaytest",
                            "quantity": "2.0000 EOS",
                            "memo": ""
                        "hex_data": "30c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f530000000000"
                    "elapsed": 3,
                    "cpu_usage": 0,
                    "console": "",
                    "total_cpu_usage": 0,
                    "trx_id": "fe804e9a9ab2a9f8b674bb490ac2c89d4f70247f82bc506adc7285cb82e3c991",
                    "inline_traces": []
                    "receipt": {
                        "receiver": "dappplaytest",
                        "act_digest": "c6c9aa38acd0c3940de511b6ee69b1831f047f895b4aa94a6cde8ae80dfdd6a5",
                        "global_sequence": 74737289,
                        "recv_sequence": 1,
                        "auth_sequence": [
                        "code_sequence": 1,
                        "abi_sequence": 1
                    "act": {
                        "account": "eosio.token",
                        "name": "transfer",
                        "authorization": [
                                "actor": "bcskill3333333",
                                "permission": "active"
                        "data": {
                            "from": "bcskill3333333",
                            "to": "dappplaytest",
                            "quantity": "2.0000 EOS",
                            "memo": ""
                        "hex_data": "30c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f530000000000"
                    "elapsed": 5,
                    "cpu_usage": 0,
                    "console": "",
                    "total_cpu_usage": 0,
                    "trx_id": "fe804e9a9ab2a9f8b674bb490ac2c89d4f70247f82bc506adc7285cb82e3c991",
                    "inline_traces": []
            "receipt": {
                "receiver": "bcskill3333333",
                "act_digest": "c6c9aa38acd0c3940de511b6ee69b1831f047f895b4aa94a6cde8ae80dfdd6a5",
                "global_sequence": 74737288,
                "recv_sequence": 19,
                "auth_sequence": [
                "code_sequence": 1,
                "abi_sequence": 1
            "act": {
                "account": "eosio.token",
                "name": "transfer",
                "authorization": [
                        "actor": "bcskill3333333",
                        "permission": "active"
                "data": {
                    "from": "bcskill3333333",
                    "to": "dappplaytest",
                    "quantity": "2.0000 EOS",
                    "memo": ""
                "hex_data": "30c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f530000000000"
            "elapsed": 3,
            "cpu_usage": 0,
            "console": "",
            "total_cpu_usage": 0,
            "trx_id": "fe804e9a9ab2a9f8b674bb490ac2c89d4f70247f82bc506adc7285cb82e3c991",
            "inline_traces": []
            "receipt": {
                "receiver": "dappplaytest",
                "act_digest": "c6c9aa38acd0c3940de511b6ee69b1831f047f895b4aa94a6cde8ae80dfdd6a5",
                "global_sequence": 74737289,
                "recv_sequence": 1,
                "auth_sequence": [
                "code_sequence": 1,
                "abi_sequence": 1
            "act": {
                "account": "eosio.token",
                "name": "transfer",
                "authorization": [
                        "actor": "bcskill3333333",
                        "permission": "active"
                "data": {
                    "from": "bcskill3333333",
                    "to": "dappplaytest",
                    "quantity": "2.0000 EOS",
                    "memo": ""
                "hex_data": "30c618630c05a77990b1cadec45aab49204e00000000000004454f530000000000"
            "elapsed": 5,
            "cpu_usage": 0,
            "console": "",
            "total_cpu_usage": 0,
            "trx_id": "fe804e9a9ab2a9f8b674bb490ac2c89d4f70247f82bc506adc7285cb82e3c991",
            "inline_traces": []

traces里面的你可以理解为是给参与这次交易的各个角色的发票清单 每一次EOS的转账都涉及到3个角色:转账方、接受方、执行转账操作的token发行方,如果是收款方查到的只是其中一个

EOS 新建账户合约,转账到执行账户,创建账户



#include "signdappplay.hpp"

void signdappplay::transfer(account_name from, account_name to, asset quantity, string memo)
    if (from == _self || to != _self) {

    // don't do anything on transfers from our reference account
    if (from == N(signdappplay)) {

    eosio_assert(quantity.symbol == CORE_SYMBOL, "only core token allowed"); //string_to_symbol(4, "EOS")
    eosio_assert(quantity.is_valid(), "Invalid token transfer");
    eosio_assert(quantity.amount > 0, "Quantity must be positive");

    //memo "your_account_name-your_owner_public_key-your_active_public_key" 分隔符支持“-” “:” 空格
    memo.erase(memo.begin(), find_if(memo.begin(), memo.end(), [](int ch) {
        return !isspace(ch);
    memo.erase(find_if(memo.rbegin(), memo.rend(), [](int ch) {
        return !isspace(ch);
    }).base(), memo.end());

    eosio_assert(memo.length() == 120 || memo.length() == 66, "Malformed Memo (not right length)");
    const string account_string = memo.substr(0, 12);
    const account_name new_account_name = string_to_name(account_string.c_str());
    eosio_assert(memo[12] == ':' || memo[12] == '-' || memo[12] == ' ', "Malformed Memo [12] == : or - or space");

    const string owner_key_str = memo.substr(13, 53);
    string active_key_str;

    if(memo[66] == ':' || memo[66] == '-' || memo[66] == ' ') {
      // active key provided
      active_key_str = memo.substr(67, 53);
    } else {
      // active key is the same as owner
      active_key_str = owner_key_str;

    const abieos::public_key owner_pubkey =
    const abieos::public_key active_pubkey =

    array<char, 33> owner_pubkey_char;
    copy(owner_pubkey.data.begin(), owner_pubkey.data.end(),

    array<char, 33> active_pubkey_char;
    copy(active_pubkey.data.begin(), active_pubkey.data.end(),

    key_weight owner_pubkey_weight = {
        .key = {0, owner_pubkey_char},
        .weight = 1

    key_weight active_pubkey_weight = {
        .key = {0, owner_pubkey_char},
        .weight = 1

    authority owner = authority{
        .threshold = 1,
        .keys = {owner_pubkey_weight},
        .accounts = {},
        .waits = {}

    authority active = authority{
        .threshold = 1,
        .keys = {active_pubkey_weight},
        .accounts = {},
        .waits = {}

    newaccount new_account = newaccount{
        .creator = _self,
        .name = new_account_name,
        .owner = owner,
        .active = active

    asset stake_net(1000, CORE_SYMBOL);
    asset stake_cpu(1000, CORE_SYMBOL);
    asset buy_ram = quantity - stake_net - stake_cpu;
    eosio_assert(buy_ram.amount > 0, "Not enough balance to buy ram");

    // create account
            permission_level{ _self, N(active) },
    // buy ram
            permission_level{ _self, N(active)},
            make_tuple(_self, new_account_name, buy_ram)
    // delegate and transfer cpu and net
            permission_level{ _self, N(active)},
            make_tuple(_self, new_account_name, stake_net, stake_cpu, true)


  • 下载代码
    git clone https://github.com/cppfuns/signdappplay.git
  • 编译代码
    cd signdappplay/
    eosiocpp -g signdappplay.abi signdappplay.cpp
    eosiocpp -o signdappplay.wast signdappplay.cpp
  • 部署合约
    //提前创建好signdappplay 将合约部署到此账号
    cleos set contract signdappplay signdappplay/ -p signdappplay
  • signdappplay@active里添加signdappplay@eosio.code授权
    cleos set account permission signdappplay active '{"threshold": 1,"keys": [{"key": "EOS7nK2w6ZT8hKdrxr48xdt3CFj1MXpaDV6jagRHKayFhqJBX5GEf","weight": 1}],"accounts": [{"permission":{"actor":"signdappplay","permission":"eosio.code"},"weight":1}]}' owner -p signdappplay


signdappplay账号转账,并按规则(新建账户名:owner公钥:active公钥)填写memo。(分隔符支持"-" ":"或者空格,如果owner公钥与active公钥一致,可以只填写一个,如实例)。

root@iZj6cbx3duprxf6dasczbpZ:~# cleos push action eosio.token transfer '["dapp.exec", "signdappplay","100.0000 EOS","dingtet12345:EOS8Hdw6vismBgoYPzfLhr2rtHrdsR3F8UYAL23LSc9wdV8eNhNH8"]' -p dapp.exec
executed transaction: e6d94f39de7e6508e06b469327eb63eb6100ce129deb152a484acc0399bae292  192 bytes  12152 us
#   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"dapp.exec","to":"signdappplay","quantity":"100.0000 EOS","memo":"dingtet12345:EOS8Hdw6vismB...
#     dapp.exec <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"dapp.exec","to":"signdappplay","quantity":"100.0000 EOS","memo":"dingtet12345:EOS8Hdw6vismB...
#  signdappplay <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"dapp.exec","to":"signdappplay","quantity":"100.0000 EOS","memo":"dingtet12345:EOS8Hdw6vismB...
#         eosio <= eosio::newaccount            {"creator":"signdappplay","name":"dingtet12345","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS8Hdw6vismB...
#         eosio <= eosio::buyram                {"payer":"signdappplay","receiver":"dingtet12345","quant":"99.8000 EOS"}
#   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.ram","quantity":"99.3010 EOS","memo":"buy ram"}
#  signdappplay <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.ram","quantity":"99.3010 EOS","memo":"buy ram"}
#     eosio.ram <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.ram","quantity":"99.3010 EOS","memo":"buy ram"}
#   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.ramfee","quantity":"0.4990 EOS","memo":"ram fee"}
#  signdappplay <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.ramfee","quantity":"0.4990 EOS","memo":"ram fee"}
#  eosio.ramfee <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.ramfee","quantity":"0.4990 EOS","memo":"ram fee"}
#         eosio <= eosio::delegatebw            {"from":"signdappplay","receiver":"dingtet12345","stake_net_quantity":"0.1000 EOS","stake_cpu_quanti...
#   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"0.2000 EOS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
#  signdappplay <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"0.2000 EOS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
#   eosio.stake <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"signdappplay","to":"eosio.stake","quantity":"0.2000 EOS","memo":"stake bandwidth"}
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet



Ubuntu 切换 PHP 版本

PHP5.6 -> 7.0

# 禁用 Apache 中的 PHP5

sudo a2dismod php5.6

# 启用 PHP7

sudo a2enmod php7

# 重启 Apache

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

# 切换 CLI 

sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.0

Failed to find shared library for backend ”mysql


root@iZ2zea5mjpcmz9m17k56daZ:/home/surou/Documents/github/eos/build# nodeos --sql_db-uri=”mysql://db=eos user=root host= password='数据库密码' --sql_db-block-start=0  --delete-all-blocks
2018-07-25T12:39:28.628 thread-0   sql_db_plugin.cpp:81          set_program_options  ] set_program_options
2018-07-25T12:39:28.629 thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:271          plugin_initialize    ] initializing chain plugin
2018-07-25T12:39:28.629 thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:408          plugin_initialize    ] Deleting state database and blocks
2018-07-25T12:39:28.721 thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:508          plugin_initialize    ] Starting up fresh blockchain with default genesis state.
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:344           plugin_initialize    ] configured http to listen on
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:2941           plugin_initialize    ] Initialize net plugin
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:2966           plugin_initialize    ] host: port: 9876 
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:3036           plugin_initialize    ] my node_id is e5f1d9687a24d343c57e7ba32913db448147a2e9e7dc1fe12797a69c082e1c9a
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   wallet_plugin.cpp:42          plugin_initialize    ] initializing wallet plugin
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   sql_db_plugin.cpp:96          plugin_initialize    ] initialize
2018-07-25T12:39:29.437 thread-0   sql_db_plugin.cpp:104         plugin_initialize    ] connecting to ”mysql://db=eos
2018-07-25T12:39:29.438 thread-0   main.cpp:141                  main                 ] Failed to find shared library for backend ”mysql

Failed to find shared library for backend ”mysql 错误。
查看EOS代码 eos\programs\nodeos\main.cpp:141

   } catch( const std::runtime_error& e ) {
      if( std::string(e.what()) == "database dirty flag set" ) {
         elog( "database dirty flag set (likely due to unclean shutdown): replay required" );
         return DATABASE_DIRTY;
      } else if( std::string(e.what()) == "database metadata dirty flag set" ) {
         elog( "database metadata dirty flag set (likely due to unclean shutdown): replay required" );
         return DATABASE_DIRTY;
      } else {
         elog( "${e}", ("e",e.what())); // :141
      return OTHER_FAIL;
   } catch( const std::exception& e ) {


git clone https://github.com/SOCI/soci.git


// non-synchronized helper
void do_register_backend(std::string const & name, std::string const & shared_object)
    // The rules for backend search are as follows:
    // - if the shared_object is given,
    //   it names the library file and the search paths are not used
    // - otherwise (shared_object not provided or empty):
    //   - file named libsoci_NAME.so.SOVERSION is searched in the list of search paths

    soci_handler_t h = 0;
    if (shared_object.empty() == false)
        h = DLOPEN(shared_object.c_str());
        // try system paths
        h = DLOPEN(LIBNAME(name).c_str());
        if (0 == h)
            // try all search paths
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i != search_paths_.size(); ++i)
                std::string const fullFileName(search_paths_[i] + "/" + LIBNAME(name));
                h = DLOPEN(fullFileName.c_str());
                if (0 != h)
                    // already found

    if (0 == h)
        throw soci_error("Failed to find shared library for backend " + name);
